Minnie H. Rouse
Minnie H. was born on August 25th, 1894. She died at the age of 34 on January 1st, 1929. She was buried in
Doc David Harrelson Cemetery,Horry Co.,South Carolina
Minnie H.'s family with Thermon Parson Harrelson
They had five daughters named
Vivain Orilla
Mae Elizabeth
Essie J.
William Doc
Vivain Orilla Harrelson
Vivain Orilla was born in 1919. She died at the age of 32 in 1951.
Mae Elizabeth Harrelson
Mae Elizabeth was born on May 1st, 1921. She died at the age of 6 on June 29th, 1927.
Essie J. Harrelson
Essie J. was born in 1922. She died at the age of 6 in 1928.
Lula Harrelson
William Doc Harrelson
Worldconnect.rootsweb.com, FamilyTies Database, Craig Smith, craigsmith@@sc.rr.com
Worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Vicky's Genealogy, Vicky L. Hammond, vlhammond@@msn.com
Worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Hardee Family, William S. Hardee, wshardee@@earthlink.net
Worldconnect.rootsweb.com, Our Family Tree, Terrance Richard Mills, Millstr288@@aol.com
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