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Female Katherine Eudora Glasscock Click to view Katherine Eudora Glasscock in the family tree

Katherine Eudora was born on January 28th, 1889 in Rosenberg,Ft. Bend Co.,Texas.  She died at the age of 87 on September 18th, 1976 in Sealy,Austin Co.,Texas.  She was buried in Allen- Johnston Cementry 4 miles north of Wallis,Austin Co.,Texas.

Katherine Eudora's family with Miles Newton Allen

‌Katherine Eudora and Miles Newton were married in a religious ceremony on April 17th, 1907 in Wallis,Austin Co.,Texas.  They had a son and two daughters, named Miles Johnston, Annie Laurie and Katherine.

World Family Tree Print Out of a Descendant of Benjamin Allen Tree, Tubbs, Johnston, Allen Etc. Betty Jo Vaughn,, Listed Source:, Family Tree, Tubbs, Johnston, Allen,etc, Genealogy Report: Descendants of Benjamin Allen, Betty Vaughn,

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