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Male Joseph Alexander Click to view Joseph Alexander in the family tree

Joseph was born on July 30th, 1780 in Charlotte Co.,Virginia.  He died at the age of 79 on October 2nd, 1859 in Kentucky.

Joseph's first family with Ann Cheatham Bouldin

‌Joseph and Ann Cheatham were married in a religious ceremony on March 12th, 1807 in Henry Co.,Virginia.  They had two sons and two daughters, named Fayette Wood, Hugh Nelson, Sarah Martin and Ann Clark.

Joseph's second family with Sarah Watkins Bouldin

‌Joseph and Sarah Watkins were married in a religious ceremony on December 10th, 1818 in Cumberland Co.,Kentucky.  They had five sons and two daughters, named Richard B., Milton Ingram, Thomas Tyler, Joseph ,Jr., Robert M., Martha Bouldin and Margaret.

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