Childebrand I d'Heristal of Autun & Rolande de Laon of Metz
They had three sons named
Fulcoald of
Sigibert of
Nivelon I the Historian of
Personal Details
Childebrand I d'Heristal of Autun
Childebrand I d'Heristal of was born before 0714. He died in 0751.
Rolande de Laon of Metz
Rolande de Laon of was born before 0721. She died after 0742.
Fulcoald of Rouergue
Fulcoald of was born in 0742. He died after 0843.
Sigibert of Rouergue
Sigibert of was born before 0751.
Nivelon I the Historian of Perracy
Nivelon I the Historian of was born before 0751.
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