Beatrice Adair
Beatrice's family with Lawrence Vernal Gifford
They had four sons and five daughters, named
Vernal Curtis
Melvin Elwood
Dewayne Leroy
Oran Lowell
Velva Dohrene
Ileta Yvonne
Ane Vere
Martha Evelyn
Valera Whylene
Vernal Curtis Gifford
Vernal Curtis was born on April 4th, 1921 in
Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona
Velva Dohrene Gifford
Velva Dohrene was born on August 13th, 1924 in
Lehi, Maricopa Co., Arizona
Melvin Elwood Gifford
Melvin Elwood was born on March 29th, 1926 in
Skull Valley, Yavapai Co., Arizona
Ileta Yvonne Gifford
Ane Vere Gifford
Martha Evelyn Gifford
Valera Whylene Gifford
Dewayne Leroy Gifford
Oran Lowell Gifford
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