Guarine or Warine de Metz, surnamed "the Bald", of the House of Lorraine. Ordericus described Warine as "a man of small stature but
great courage, who bravely encountered the Earl's enemies and maintained tranquillity throughout the district entrusted to his government." Roger de Montgomery selected him from among his barons as his chief counsellor and named him Viscount or Sheriff of Shropshire (then a hereditary office), attaching to his sheriff's fief seventy manors in that and other counties, and giving him his niece Amiera in marriage. This Warine "stood the second man in Shropshire" and maintained a state and magnificence unusual even in those hospitable times.
Such was his passion for entertaining his guests, that he caused the King's highway to be turned through the hall of his manor at Alleston, in order that no traveller might have an excuse for passing without stopping to receive some food and drink. He died the year before the compilation of Domesday, leaving his son a minor.