Clodion of Lord of the West Franks Tournai & Queen Queen Basina I
They had a son named
Meroveus King of the Franks
Family Notes
1 _UID C586E74FED68C44EB2A28B94A08E6A1B0E06
Personal Details
Clodion of Lord of the West Franks Tournai
Clodion of Lord of the West Franks was born in 0395. He died at the age of 52 in 0447.
Queen Queen Basina I
Queen Basina I is no longer alive.
Meroveus King of the Franks
Meroveus King of the Franks was born in 0415. He died at the age of 41 in 0456.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed(Bloodline of the Holy Grail)
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