2 DATE 1648
2 DATE 2 MAR 1715/16
2 PLAC Prince George Co., VA
Prince George Co., VA Deeds 1713-1728, pg. 144
Will of Mrs. Susannah Parrum Tilman Signed: Nov 19, 1716, Probated: May 7, 1717
To son, Thomas Parrum; son, George Tillman; son, John Tillman; daughter, Jane Robinson; daughter, Christine Abernathy; granddaughter, Mary Bethell; grandson, Robert Abernathy. Executor Robert Abernethy, Jr. Also mentioned was the land granted to Roger Tillman, April 20, 1689, 1069 acres in Charles City Co., on South side of Appomattox River. After the above named people received their inheritances, Robert Abernathy, Jr. received the remainder of her estate."