of Macon
of Macon was born about 0964. Of Macon is no longer alive.
of Macon's family with Ct. Giselbert of Roucy
They had two sons and a daughter, named
Ebles I of Roucy
Lietaud of Marle
Yevette of Roucy
Ct. Ebles I of Roucy
Ebles I of Roucy was born about 0988 in
Roucy, I'France, France
. He died on May 11th, 1033.
Yevette of Roucy
Yevette of Roucy was born in
Roucy, Aisne, I'France, France
Ld. Lietaud of Marle
Lietaud of Marle was born in
Roucy, Aisne, I'France, France
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