of Carcassonne
Of Carcassonne is no longer alive.
of Carcassonne's first family with Ct. Sunifred of Urgal
They had a son named
the hairy
Ct. Guilfre of Barcelona (the hairy)
Guilfre of Barcelona, known as the hairy, was born before 0870. He died due to battle casualty on August 11th, 0897 in
battle with Moors
of Carcassonne's second family with Ct. Sunifred of Urgal
They had a son named
the hairy
Ct. Guilfre of Barcelona (the hairy)
Guilfre of Barcelona, known as the hairy, was born before 0870. He died due to battle casualty on August 11th, 0897 in
battle with Moors
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