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{Roglo Genealogical Database}

The cited information was published by <> The author/originator was Daniel de Rauglaudre < site>. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
Roglo Genealogical Database. 
  • Source Notes
      Source: Roglo Database.
      The database "roglo" holds 220,130 persons, including royal families of Europe from the 6th century to the present...

      Warning! Warning! This data base is not a reference; the information are given here without guarantee; think to check with other sources.

      The author said that he was not a genealogist and gathered data from many sources without trying to have reliable data. His fun is to work on the genealogy software, not to build the database.

      One of his sources is Manuel Abranches do Soveral, a very good Portuguese genealogist.