Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of Deheubarth
1 NAME Rhys Ap Tewdwr /Mawr/
2 SOUR S033320
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001
2 DATE 1001
2 PLAC Wales
2 SOUR S033320
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001
2 DATE APR 1093
2 PLAC Glyn Rhoddnai, near Brecon, Wales, Wales
2 SOUR S033320
4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001
[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: Kraentzler 1151a, 1446; History of Morgan Family; Dictionary of
National Biography; Young; Complete Peerage; A. Roots 178.
King of Deheubarth, 1078.
"Led the fight against the Norman invaders. Restored to the crown of South
Wales in 1078 and became the founder of the Third Royal Tribe. William the
Conqueror met Rhys and accepted him as Prince of Deheubarth in 1081. Rhys
was killed in battle by the Normans at Glyn Rhoddnai. Married Gwladus and had
sons Griffith and Hywel and a daughter, Nest."
Dictionary: Killed in battle with forces led by Bernard de Neufmarche in
Roots: Prince of South Wales. Roots also gives name as Rhys ap Tudor Mawr.
(See J.E. LLoyd's History of Wales for his ancestry).
Young: Rhys ap Tewdwr, died 1093, prince of South Wales, married Gwladus of
King of Deheubarth, 1078.
1. Morgan, Dennis. _A History of the Morgan Family_.
"Led the fight against the Norman invaders. Restored the crown of South
Wales in 1078 and became the founder of the Third Royal Tribe. William
the Conqueror met Rhys and accepted him as Prince of Deheubarth in 1081.
Rhys was killed in battle by the Normans at Glyn Rhoddnai. Married
Gwladus and had sons Griffith and Hywel and a daughter, Nest."
2. Bartrum, Peter C. _Welsh Genealogies, AD 300-1400_. University of
Wales Press, 1978; "Rhys ap Tewdwr 1", page 776.
3. _Dictionary of National Biography_. Killed in battle with forces led by
Bernard de Neufmarche in 1093.
4. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists_. 6th Ed.
Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1988. Name given
as Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales.
5. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists_.
Seventh Edition. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.,
1992; Line 178-1: Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales, d. 1093; md
Gwladus, dau of Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn of Powys. (CP X 11; DWB, pp 837,
840. See J.E. Lloyd's _History of Wales_ II 767 for his ancestry.)