Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ0-JL
Sources: RC 165; K and Q of Britain, Coe, Butler, Paget; Kraentzler1062, 1067, 1145; A. Roots 1-23; Royal Line of Succession; Royal Descents; AIS;The Normans and Their Myth by R.H.C. Davis; Magna Charta Sureties 161-9.
She was baptized Editha. First wife of Henry I.
K&Q lists only William and Matilda as her children.
K. calls her Saint Mathilda of Scotland (mixed up with St. Margaret?)
Royal Line: First wife of Henry I.
AIS: Matilda, Princess of Scotland, born about 1082, Dunfermline,Scotland; died 1 May 1118, Westminster Palace, England.
Roots: Matilda of Scotland, born 1079, died 1 May 1118; married 11Nov. 1100.
Sureties: Margaret (or Mathilda) of Scotland, born 1079 and died 1 May1118. Married 11 Nov. 1100. Davis: She changed her name from Edith toMatilda. [Because the former was Anglo-Saxon?]
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princes Scotland Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ0-JL
!Titles: Princess of Scotland and Queen of England. "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call, 1989, Chart # 11301. "History of Scotland" by Hume Brown, 1909, Vol. 1. "History of Scotland" by Charles Terry, 1920, charts. Burial Place: Church of StPeter, Westminster, Middlesex, England.
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.