RELI Sources: Microsoft Encarta 1994 ed.Louis VII, called The Young (1121?-80), king of France(1137-80), son and successor of Louis VI. In the first year ofhis reign he married Eleanor of Aquitaine,
daughter of WilliamX, duke of Aquitaine (1099-1137). Louis soon aroused theopposition of Pope Innocent II (reigned 1130-43) because of hissupport of a rival to the papal candidate for the
archbishopricof Bourges, and his lands were placed under papal interdict.Louis next fought a 2-year war and conquered Champagne in 1144.In 1147 he joined the unsuccessful Second Crusade as one of
itstwo chief military leaders (the other was Conrad III ofGermany). Louis returned to France two years later, and in 1152his marriage to Eleanor was annulled; in the same year shemarried Henry of
Anjou, later Henry II, king of England. Louiswarred with Henry for the possession of Aquitaine but renouncedall rights to the duchy in 1154, the year Henry became king ofEngland. Between 1157 and
1180 Louis continued sporadic warfareagainst Henry, who held many of the French provinces. Louis wassucceeded by his son Philip II (Philip Augustus).
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DATE 13 MAR 1999