Henry was born in Bolingbroke Castle in April 1367, the son ofJohn of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. He was also known as Henry ofLancaster and Henry of Bolingbroke. From 1387 to 1390 he was aleader of the party that opposed his cousin King Richard II.Henry subsequently fought with the Teutonic Knights against theLithuanians and made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. After his returnto England he allied himself with the king. Because of a quarrelwith Thomas Mowbray, 1st duke of Norfolk, in 1398, Henry wasexiled for six years by Richard, who promised that Henry wouldnot lose his inheritance. When Henry's father died, however,Richard confiscated the Lancastrian estates willed to Henry.Consequently, Henry raised an army, invaded England, andcaptured Richard, who later abdicated.
"Henry IV (of England)," Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 98Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rightsreserved.