Please notice that Mary Gore does not name her grandson Mannon Gore as a son of Thomas Gore. Her son James 2 Gore Had a son James Manning Gore. The Mannon that is listed could very well be James 3 Mannon Gore, called Mannon. 1 April 1755. As I am incapable of coming up to Annapolis myself I entirely deny the will of my Deceased Husband Groves Tomlinsonus and will take my Chance Agreeable to Act of Assembly. Mary (N) Tomlinson [Some say her mark is an (M)] Witness: Alex Beall. This by my son James Goore "Know ye that I, Mary Tomlinson, Gentlewoman, for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and do bear to my well Beloved son James Gore, my well Beloved son Thomas Gore and my well beloved daughter Mary Dowden, and my well beloved daughter Rachel Mockbe, all of said county, and my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Roberts of the Colony of Virginia, and my well beloved grandson Michael Ashford Dowden and my well beloved Grandson Mannen Gore and my well beloved granddaughter Mary Roberts and my Granddaughter Mary Roberts Daughter of Edw of Virginia and my Granddaughter Mary Mockbe and for diverse and other considerations me at this present more especially moving have given granted and confirmed and by these presents to give, grant and congirm and make unto my above named children and grandchildren to them and their heirs and assigns forever (the preceding sentence, although a bit confusing, is as my copy reads). Viz. To my son James Gore one negro man named James and one negro women named Sal and my bed and all my furniture by (sic) bed and all the rest of my personal estate except the following legacies, To my son Thomas Gore 41 currency of which he hath already received 23.6.1/2. To my daughter Mary Dowden one Negro man Peter, value 40, and sundry trifles which she hath together with said Negro already received to the amount of 41.1.11. To my daughter Elizabeth Roberts 41 currency of which she hath already received 1.12.6. To my daughter Rachel Mockbe 41 of which she hath already received 20.14.4. To my grandson Michael Ashford Dowden one two year heifer or 20 shillings currency. To my grandson Mannen Gore one two year old heifer or 20 shillings currency. To my granddaughter Mary Roberts 20 shillings currency. To my granddaughter Mary Roberts, daughter of Edward, 20 shillings currency. To my granddaughter Mary Mockbe one two year old heifer or 20 Shillins currency. All which legacies or such part of them as is not already received to be delivered to them out of my moveable estate in specie by my son James Gore after my decease and not before. In witness whereof I have here unto let my hand and seal this first day of April anno dom 1756 Mary (X) Thomlinson" Witnesses: Wadsworth Wilson, Nathaniel Dowden 1 April 1756. Acknowledged by Mary Tomlinson *Frederick Co., MD, Deed BK. E, pp. 1037-39