Note: The following is Thomas 's will as copied by Kathy L. Goodbar,Deputy Clerk, Lexington Courthouse, Lexington, Va. (Misspelledwords are as they appeared in the original will)
In the name of god amen this twenty eighth day of January in theyear of our Lord eighteen hundred and nine, I Thomas Mynes ofRockbridge County and citizen of Virginia calling to mind themortality of my body knowing that is appointed for all men onceto die, do make this my Last Will and Testament in the followingmanner First, it is my will and I order that all my just debtsand funeral charges be paid and all debts owe to me be collectedby my Executors and as touching what wordly Estaste it hathpleased God to bless me with in this life I will and dispose asfollows - I give and bequeath to my well beloved sones Isaac andDavid and Andrew and Thomas one doller to each of them andThomas owes me twenty pound which I relinquce and one doller myson John Mynes I give unto my to sons in law Arthur HeaginAndrew Blain one dollar to each of them I give and bequeath tomy well beloved Samueal one dollar my bed and furnitute and bodycloths and all my books and what money will be remaining to beequally divided to each of my six natural sons I will andbequeth one hundred eacers of land that I own in the calpastureto my tow grand sons Thomas Mynes son of Andrew Mynes andSteviston Blain son of Andrew Blain - I do herby contitute andappoint my sone Sam'l Mynes and Wm Walker my Executor of this mylast Will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto setmy hand and seal the day & year above written
Signed sealed in the present of
John Stuart
Walker Stuart
John Walker
In Rockbridge Court April 4th, 1809
A writing purporting the last will & Testament of Thomas MynesDec'd was produced in Court by Sam'l Mynes one of the Executorstherin named and proved by the oath of Walker Stuart and JohnWalker two of the subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to berecorded and the s'd Executor refused to take upon him theburthen of the Execution od s'd will and Wm Walker the othrexecutor therin named certified his refusal also to take uponhim the burhen of the excution of s'd will.