His will was written 21 April, 1790 and probated 1 Oct. 1790, Powhatan Co., Virg., Book 1, page 186 Other information: His second wife probably died before him because she is not mentioned in the will. She was Elizabeth Vaughan, married 2 March 1778 in what is now Powhatan Co. She had a son from a previous marriage named Henry. Powhatan became a county in 1779, so these children were probably born in one of the parent counties of Cumberland or Chesterfield. The births of these children are recorded in the church records of S. Farnham Parish, which is now in Powhatan County. He was on the tithing list of Goochland Co. in 1746, 1747, and 1748. He left his children lots of slaves in his will. On a subscription list of Powhatan Co., he paid a bounty of $6 to help pay for a militia in 1777. (Virg. Mag. of History, Vol. 24, pages 328-329.) He was on the Powhatan Co., Virginia Tax List for 1783, page 59. Submitter for duff1: Ramona & Cecil Duff , P.O. Box 95 , Hydro, Oklahoma 73048 , Phone 405-663-2334 , Locator: Silicon Valley PAF Users Group