Malcolm II MacKenneth King of SCOTLAND & Aelgifu SIGURDSDOTTIR of Ossory
They had a daughter named
Bethoc 'Beatrice' , Princess of
Personal Details
Malcolm II MacKenneth King of SCOTLAND
Malcolm II MacKenneth King of was born in 0954 in
. He died at the age of 80 on November 25th, 1034 in
Glamis, Angus, Scotland (Murdered)
Aelgifu SIGURDSDOTTIR of Ossory
Aelgifu was born about 0962 in
Ossary, Ireland
. She died after 0844.
Bethoc 'Beatrice' , Princess of SCOTLAND
Bethoc 'Beatrice' , Princess of was born in 0924 in
Atholl, Perthshire, England