Gunderic, King of the Vandals, in Spain UNKNOWN & Elisa of GRANADA
They had a son named
Gaiseric, King of the Vandals, in Spain & Africa
Personal Details
Gunderic, King of the Vandals, in Spain UNKNOWN
Gunderic, King of the Vandals, in Spain was born about 0385 in
. He died in 0426 in
Elisa of GRANADA
Elisa of was born about 0387 in
Granada, Spain
. Elisa of is no longer alive.
Gaiseric, King of the Vandals, in Spain & Africa UNKNOWN
Gaiseric, King of the Vandals, in Spain & Africa was born about 0407 in
Baetica, Andalusia, Spain
. He died in 0477 in
Carthage, N. Africa