1855 Census Westmoreland Oneida Co, NY Martha Seelye wife
of Lyman Seelye age, 57 born in Montgomery Co, NY.
Lived in Westmoreland 54 years.
From Hewton, Dorothy Post. Seely and Post Families Vol. 2
Lyman Seelye married Martha (Egan) b Nov 1798
d Dec. 1866 68 yrs. 1 mo,18 days. Both bur.
Westmoreland Cemetery lot. Children (given Surrogate's Ct. Oneida Co.
6 Apr.1871
List 12 children all born Westmoreland
Karen Vogel, 1374 Anita Ave,
Grosse Point, MI 48236 is also researching Martha Griswold.
3/18/1992 her data gives the middle name of ANN.
Data from, Robert and Esther French Genealogist, The Griswold Family of
America June 19,1992 Martha is a desc. of Edward Griswold of CT.