_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
TITL University of Hull Royal Database (England)
AUTH Brian Tompsett, Dept of Computer Science
PUBL copyright 1994, 1995, 1996
usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc
WWW, University of Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX bct@@tardis.ed.ac.uk
MEDI Electronic
TEXT No date. It is known that Agatha was a mistress of John, but it is only supposition
_MSTAT PartnersES III:356b credits John with two illegitimate children by Agatha de Ferrers
- Joan and Richard.
"Magna Charta Barons" by Charles H. Browning, copyright 1969 (I'm unsure of the overall relia bility of this source), gives Joan's mother as Agatha de Ferrers, daughter of Robert de Ferre rs, fourth
Earl of Derby.