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TITL University of Hull Royal Database (England)
AUTH Brian Tompsett, Dept of Computer Science
PUBL copyright 1994, 1995, 1996
usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc
WWW, University of Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX bct@@tardis.ed.ac.uk
MEDI Electronic
TITL Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy
AUTH Alison Weir
PUBL rev. ed, Pimlico Random House, London 1989, 1996
J.H. Garner
PAGE p 70
PLAC Unhappy marriage for Isabella, who was kept guarded & cloistered.
TITL Falls the Shadow
AUTH Sharon Kay Penman
PUBL Ballantine Books, New York, 1988
Library of J.H. Garner
MEDI BookREF: Sharon Kay Penman "Falls the Shadow"; Henry was very jealous & did not allow h is wife Isabella Plantagenet d. of John Lackland to be seen in public.
REF: University of Hull: Sources differ over which Isabel Frederick married,
some say Isabella daughter of John I Lackland of England and some say
daughter of John of Brienne King of Jerusalem and Emperor of Constantinople.