DATE 2 OCT 1635
PLAC embarked on John of London, destination, St. ChristphersN.G.S.Q. Sec. III Chapt. 18 1677
Thomas Walker mentioned as a Shipper by Adventure 1-11-1677, Mar. 1677
Thomas Walker mentioned as a Shipper by Stephen & Mary bound from London for VA [Ibid]
List of Walkers, New England, as noted by Capt. John Smith: [may or may not be related]
- list of first settlers at Jamestown Island, VA., 1607 Gentlemen: George Walker
William Walker Sec II Chapt. 19 1624, living 1624, living at the College Land
Richard Walker [Ibid] dead since Apr. 1623
John Walker [Ibid] dead
Roger Walker [Ibid] living Elizabeth City
William Walker age 21 Sec. II Chapt. 30, 1635 living, bound 17 Feb 1635 from London to B arbados
Joseph Walker [Ibid] age 18
Thomas Walker age 19, 10-2-1635, [Ibid] embarked on John of London to St. Christophers