TITL Royalty for Commoners AUTH Roderick W. Stuart
PUBL Genealogical Publishing Comp, Baltimore, 1993
subtitled The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, son of Edward III King of England & Qu een Philippa. Reviewed in TAG, April 1994 by Dr. David H. Kelly ---- Poor
TEXT Bouchard III
TITL University of Hull Royal Database (England) AUTH Brian Tompsett, Dept of Computer S cience
PUBL copyright 1994, 1995, 1996
usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc
WWW, University of Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX bct@@tardis.ed.ac.uk MEDI Electronic
TEXT no title
TITL Europsche Stammtafeln (Schwennicke edition) AUTH Dettlev Schwennicke, ed
PUBL Verlag von J.A. Stargardt, Berlin, started being published in 1978
MEDI Book PAGE xiv, 116
TEXT Bouchard de Montmorency III
TEXT died 02 Jan 1130/1132
_FA1 PLAC Seigneur de Montmorency and Escalien.
_FA2 PLAC sn de Marly & d' Herouville.