General Notes
Many people have asked if I have found any famous relatives in our family tree. I think I may have at last found a legendary family member. Nancy Bass had br others named Moses and Wright Bass. Max Kearse had told me he felt Sam Bass, t he outlaw, was related to this family. I have found some information about Sam 's history. He was the son of Daniel Bass of Lawarence County, Indiana. Born in 1851, he was left an orphan in 1864, and ran away to Texas at 17. Sam Bass got his start as an outlaw after a cattle drive to North Dakota. When his outf it got paid they went on a gambling and drinking spree and lost all there money . Being stranded so far from home they came up with the bright idea of robbing a bank. Sam was betrayed by one of his own men and killed by Taxas Rangers in 1878. Doesn't this sound typical of one of our relatives?