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Carrie's Family Tree
“ID: I01493
Name: Ebraucus of BRITAIN
Sex: M
Name: Efrog GADARN
Occupation: King in Britain 1045–1005 BC 1
Note: Ebraucus (Welsh: Efrawc) was a legendary king of the Britons as accounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He was the son of King Mempricius before he abandoned the family. Following the death of his father, Mempricius, he became king and reigned 39 years. He was known to be admired, tall, and remarkably strong. He was the first to wage war on the Gauls since the time of Brutus. By pillaging the cities and shores and slaughtering many men, he became extremely wealthy and enriched the lands of Britain. He founded Kaerebrauc (City of Ebraucus) south of the Humber and Alclud in Albany. He had twenty wives which produced twenty sons and thirty daughters. All his daughters he sent to his cousin Silvius Alba in Alba Longa (Italy) to be married to the other Trojan descendents. Except for Brutus Greenshield, all of Ebraucus's sons, led by Assaracus, went to Germany, creating a kingdom there. Brutus thus succeeded Ebraucus upon his death. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Father: *Mempricius of BRITAIN

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown

Title: 1Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published on January 1st, 2008 <> The author/originator was RCKarnes.

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