This genealogy report is about Sussex Steers.It contains 2149 individuals and 576 families from the family tree. These records of Steer connections from near Petworth in Sussex were based on IGI data but have been extended using 1841-1901 census images and data from FreeBMD.
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<?html?><a href=""target="_top"> Background information</a> about this project is here.
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Stear, Steare, Humphrey, Tipper, steere, Bridger, Stears, Meachin, Knight, Brooker, Steers, Page, Hawkins, Greenfield, Clark, Voice, Tickner, (Steere), Rapson, Puttock, Peacock, Mann, Lucas, Hunt, Harwood, Francis, Elliott, Durrant, Cooper, Constable, Balchin, Winson, White, Whitcombe, Weller, Ward, Walder, Tilly, Taylor, Sweetland, Sturt, Strudwick, Stone, Ster, Stenning, Standish, Spooner, Smyth, Smith, Slater, Skinner, Shurvin, Sayers, Saunders, Sadler, Reynolds, Pullen, Pellett, Mitchell, Miller, Marsh, Lilly, Lee, King, Hurst, Hills, Harper, Habbin, Emery, Cooke, Cobby, Broad, Baker, Aslett, Wynter, Worsfold, Woodman, Woodhatch, Wood, Wilson, Wilmer, Willowby, Williams, Whillington, West, Wellmett, Weeks, Waller, Wakeford, Wade, Vincent, Venn, Turner, Tuckn, Trusler, Trusher, Townshend, Townsend, Tilley, Tanner, Summersell, Strut, Stringer, Stoneham, Stillwell, Stiere, Stier, Steyning, Stevens, Stephens, Steer or Hood, (Steer), Steddington, Stanford, Standen, Standedge, Standage, Smart, Shurlock, Sherlock, Shear, Shadbolt, Scutt, Sawier, Samphire, Rowell, Rose, Ropley, Roberts, Riddle, Reeves, Purvey, Poore, Poole, Pollard, Phillips, Peter, Peskett, Peek, Payn, Parker, Pain, Pacey, Pace, Oubory, Osborn, Norris, Newman, Nevitt, Morriss, Morley, Morier, Moore, Mobbinge, Mitchener, Miram, Millyard, Millard, Miles, Michenor, Merriott, Merrifield, Martin, Marrett, Marling, Mariner, March, Maple, Lutman, Lowe, Lipscomb, Lily, Lillewhite, Leggett, Langley, Laker, Kempsal, Jones, Jenkyn, Jenkins, Jendin, Jaques, Jacob, Isemonger, Humfrey, Hulet, Howick, Howard, Hotston, Horn, Holloway, Hollist, Holland, Hoare, Hirter, Hersee, Henson, Heather, Hardwick, Hampshire, Hammond, Hamison, Hamilton, Hale, Gumbrell, Gumbarell, Greenaway, Gordon, Goodyer, Goodwin, Goodchild, Gils, Gill, Geale, garnett, Freeland, Foard, Fish, Feild, Farnfield, Farndil, Farley, Etherton, Etheridge, Emptenapp, EEde, Edwards, Duke, Dinnage, Dinale, Dillaway, Dearling, Dandy, Curtis, Croucher, Crouch, Cranston, Cransill, Cook, Comper, Colton, Coleman, Colebrook, Coldhaint, Clear, Chiles, Chesemore, Cheesman, Cheeseman, Charman, Chanler, Carter, Carpenter, Butcher, Burchell, Brooks, Brockhurst, Brigg, Boxall, Boorer, Bonner, Bolshome, Bishop, Bignal, Bicknell, Belt, Beer, Batchelor, Barnes, Ball, Aylinge, Ayling, Austen, Arnold, Alinge, Ailyng.
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