William and
Margaret were married on March 15th, 1839 in
Leeds, St Peter by Curate George Elmhirst and witnessed by Henry Nelson, Ann Nelson.
1 They had a son named
Family Notes
1839 Marriage solemnized at the parish Curch in the parish of Leeds in the County of York
March 15 William Kendall full age Widower Gentleman Weaver's Square Richard Kendall Gentleman
42 1839 Margaret Allinson full age Widow Weaver's Square John Trail Sea Captain
Married in the parish Church according to the Ries and Ceremonies of the Church by Licence by me George Elmhirst Assist Curate
This marriage Willm Kendall } in the { Henry Nelson
was } Presence { x Ann Nelson's mark
solemnized x Margaret Allinson's mark } of us
between us