- A - (89 Families, 558 Individuals)
Abbott (7), Abraham (5), Abrahams (1), Abrams (2), Ackerley (1), Acton (1), Adams (7), Adamson (3), Adcroft (1), Adderley (13), Addison (7), Adkins (3), Adshead (4), Aggett (1), Ahrens_nee_Dittmer (1), Ainley (5), Ainsworth (18), Aked (7), Albers (1), Aldcroft (4), Aldersey (1), Aldred (3), Aldrich (3), Alexander (1), Alfred (1), Alker (4), Allan (4), Allen (121), Allin (1), Allison (1), Allmon (1), Allred (2), Allsop (7), Alman (1), Almasy (1), Almond (3), Alsop (1), Altenburger (1), Altobelli (1), Alvarez (1), Ambler (1), Ames (4), Amos (1), Anderson (16), Anderton (7), Andrew (1), Andrews (2), Anglesey (3), Ankers (19), Ansley (7), Anthony (1), Antwist (1), Anyon (7), Appleton (4), Archdale (1), Archer (4), Armitage (3), Armstead (1), Armstrong (2), Arnold (13), Arrowsmith (1), Arstall (1), Arthur (20), Ash (1), Ashall (10), Ashby (8), Ashcroft (24), Ashley (6), Ashman (2), Ashmore (10), Ashted (1), Ashton (28), Ashurst (1), Ashworth (8), Askew (5), Aspden (3), Aspinall (17), Astbury (2), Asten (1), Astin (6), Astley (10), Aston (2), Atherton (7), Atkins (6), Atkinson (23), Atkinson_(nee_Cowan) (1), Audland (1), Austin (3), Axon (1)
- B - (305 Families, 3629 Individuals)
Baber (4), Bagley (2), Bagnall (5), Bagnel (1), Bailey (18), Bains (1), Baker (8), Baker1890 (1), Ball (5), Ballard (1), Balmer (1), Balshaw (2), Bamber (1), Bamford (2), Banks (28), Banner (1), Bannion (1), Bannister (3), Barber (3), Barclay (1), Barker (40), Barlow (60), Barmby (1), Barnes (29), Barnett (4), Barnitt (1), Barns (5), Barnshaw (1), Baron (5), Barr (4), Barratt (1), Barret (1), Barrett (1), Barrie (1), Barritt (1), Barron (1), Barrow (29), Barry (1), Barstow (13), Bart (2), Bartley (4), Barton (2), Bartrupe (1), Bartschi (1), Baskeyfield (1), Basterfield (1), Bate (9), Bateman (7), Bateson (1), Bather (1), Batho (49), Batley (1), Battarbee (28), Batterbury (8), Battersby (3), Battman (4), Batty (2), Battye (2), Baublitz (1), Bauman (1), Baxendale (1), Baxter (8), Bayers (1), Bayley (43), Beadle (1), Bear (1), Beard (6), Beardow (1), Beattie (4), Beatty (1), Beaumont (11), Bebbington (8), Beck (2), Becker (2), Beckmann (1), Beckstrand (8), Beddows (3), Beech (1), Beer (2), Beesley (1), Beeston (1), Beever (1), Begay (1), Behrens (2), Belford (11), Bell (10), Bellis (3), Benediktson (1), Benet (1), Benn (1), Bennet (1), Bennett (202), Bennion (2), Bensen (1), Bent (10), Bentham (1), Benthom (3), Bentley (23), Bently (2), Benyon (10), Beresford (1), Berkenhout (10), Berks (1), Berrington (1), Berry (36), Bertwistle (1), Beswick (17), Bethell (2), Bettiley (2), Bettoni (4), Betts (1), Betts_or_Jackson (1), Bevan (7), Bewick (1), Bewley (1), Bibbey (1), Bibby (3), Bickley (4), Bidwell (1), Biggarstaff (1), Biggins (1), Billings (5), Billington (26), Bills (1), Biltcliffe (2), Bincliffe (1), Bingham (1), Bingley (3), Binks (1), Binns (1), Birch (3), Birchall (7), Birchenhead (1), Bird (1), Birkett (2), Birkin (3), Birmingham (1), Birtles (4), Biscoe (1), Bishop (16), Bissell (15), Bithell (2), Black (5), Blackburn (57), Blackley (3), Blackman (1), Blackmore (1), Blackwell (1), Blake (2), Blakeley (9), Blakely (1), Blakey (3), Blanchard (2), Bleackley (10), Bleakley (8), Blinfold (1), Blinkhorn (1), Blinstone (13), Blockley (1), Bloomfield (1), Blundell (1), Blunt (1), Blythen (1), Boardman (17), Bockelmann (3), Bocock (2), Boddy (1), Boden (3), Bolshaw (5), Bolton (76), Bond (13), Boocock (9), Boon (2), Boot (1), Boote (1), Booth (237), Booth_(nee_Kay) (1), Boothroyd (39), Bootle (2), Borcock (1), Bösch (1), Boss (1), Bostock (1), Bothroyd (1), Botterill (1), Bottomley (36), Bourne (1), Bowden (3), Bowdidge (5), Bowen (2), Bower (2), Bowker (2), Bowles (1), Bowling (13), Boyd (3), Boyes_(nee_Feather) (1), Boyle (2), Brabin (1), Bracewell (1), Brackenridge (1), Bradburn (1), Bradbury (2), Bradley (13), Bradley_(Wid) (1), Bradshaw (19), Brady (2), Bragger (1), Braidwood (1), Braisdell (1), Braithwaite (4), Bramall (1), Brambley (1), Brammer (1), Brassey (1), Brassington (1), Brauel (1), Breadly (1), Breakwell (1), Breeze (4), Bremer (3), Brennan (1), Brereton (944), Brewis (1), Bridge (12), Bridgelock (2), Bridgwater (16), Brier (1), Brierley (9), Brierly (1), Brigg (1), Briggs (43), Bright (1), Brindle (12), Briscoe (7), Briston (1), Britcliffe (1), Brittain (1), Britton (1), Broadbent (2), Broadfoot (1), Broadhead (5), Broadhurst (1), Broadley (2), Brockbank (44), Brockley (1), Broderick (1), Brogden (1), Bromiley (31), Bromilow (11), Bromley (1), Bromly (1), Brook (59), Brooke (10), Brooks (113), Brooks_(nee_Howard) (1), Broom (5), Broome (8), Broomfield (2), Broughton (2), Brown (62), Browne (2), Brownebyll (1), Brownlow (5), Broxton (1), Bruerton (12), Brumbell (1), Brumfit_ (1), Bryan (2), Bryne (1), Buchan (1), Buchanan (1), Buchholz (1), Buck (8), Buckley (394), Buckley_(nee_Bentley) (1), Bucknell (1), Buist (12), Bullen-Whatling (6), Bullough (12), Bunnell (5), Burchall (1), Burdick (1), Burfeind (1), Burgess (7), Burke (2), Burnes (2), Burnett (2), Burns (2), Burrell (1), Burrington (1), Burroughs (1), Burrows (5), Burtenwood (1), Burton (4), Bury (3), Bush (8), Busse (1), Butler (4), Butt (1), Butterworth (4), Buttler (1), Buxton (1), Byrd (2), Byrne (5), Bywater (2)
- C - (229 Families, 1558 Individuals)
Caddick (8), Caddy (2), Cain (1), Caine (5), Cairns (7), Caldecott (2), Calderbank (10), Caldercott (2), Calderley (6), Calderwood (2), Caldwell (8), Callan (1), Calland (1), Callard (1), Caltrider (1), Calvery (1), Calvin (1), Cameron (8), Campbell (1), Campinot (11), Campion (8), Campkin (1), Cape (1), Capper (3), Carey (2), Carlsile (1), Carlston (2), Carr (8), Carruthers (1), Carter (24), Cartledge (1), Cartmell (2), Cartwright (7), Catherall (1), Catterall (3), Cattons (1), Caughlin (1), Causey (2), Cavanagh (2), Cavey (1), Cay (1), Chadbond (4), Chadwick (42), Challender (4), Challiner (1), Challinor (1), Chaloner (1), Chamberlain (5), Chambers (5), Chamney (1), Chancelour (1), Chandler (4), Chaplin (2), Chapman (10), Charles (1), Charlton (3), Charmley (1), Charnock (4), Chatterton (2), Chavez (1), Cheesbrough (2), Cheetham (2), Cheney (1), Chettham (1), Cheveley (1), Chew (10), Chick (1), Chippendale (1), Chisholm (2), Chisnall (1), Chiverton (8), Chorley (1), Chorlton (6), Christensen (2), Christopherson (1), Church (2), Churchman (3), Clair (1), Clapperton (3), Clare (2), Clark (6), Clarke (11), Clarkson (37), Clay (2), Clayton (13), Cleavenger (2), Clee (3), Clegg (7), Cleghorn (6), Clement (3), Clements (8), Cliffe (3), Clifford (2), Clifton (1), Clofton (1), Clough (15), Clowes (2), Clubley (1), Clutton (12), Cock (1), Cocker (11), Cockhill (2), Cockshaw (1), Cockshott (11), Codre (1), Colderley (9), Cole (14), Colehill (1), Colley (1), Collier (10), Collinge (16), Collings (28), Collins (12), Colloton (1), Colmer (1), Colston (5), Coltart (1), Colthurst (7), Comberbach (1), Compston (2), Compton (1), Connah (2), Connell (5), Connely (2), Connett (1), Conroy (3), Constantine (5), Conway (2), Cook (7), Cooke (6), Cookson (1), Coombs (9), Coop (4), Cooper (36), Cope (2), Copeland (1), Coppack (8), Corcoran (4), Corden (5), Corfield (1), Cornelius (2), Corner (1), Correia (1), Corris (1), Corsland (1), Cort (3), Corteen (9), Costa (1), Costello (1), Cotgrave (1), Cotterell (1), Cotton (5), Coucill (2), Coultard (1), Coulter (1), Coulthurst (1), Coulton (1), Counsell (4), Coup (1), Court (1), Cousins (1), Cowburn (2), Cowell_(nee_Eddlestone) (1), Cowley (3), Cowling (2), Cowp (1), Coxon (1), Crack (1), Cragg (1), Craig (1), Craige (1), Crane (1), Crank (3), Crankshaw (2), Cranshaw (1), Craumer (1), Craven (7), Crawford (2), Crawshaw (12), Creighton (1), Cresswell (1), Cretchley (1), Crfosland (1), Crimes (5), Critcheley (1), Critchley (1), Critchlow (2), Criton (1), Crocker (1), Crocket (1), Croen (2), Croft (3), Crofts (20), Croker (1), Croland (1), Crompton (34), Cromwell (1), Crook (173), Crooke (1), Crooks (2), Cropper (1), Croshaw (1), Crosland (309), Crosley (3), Cross (24), Crosse (2), Crossland (9), Crossley (2), Croston (4), Crouchley (2), Crouse (1), Crow (10), Crowder (2), Crowest (2), Crowston (1), Crowther (4), Croxon (1), Crum (1), Crux (1), Cryer (1), Culpin (1), Cummings (1), Cundley (1), Cunliffe (150), Cunningham (8), Curran (1), Curry (1), Curtis (4), Cush (1)
- D - (114 Families, 856 Individuals)
Daffin (1), Dagnell (1), Dainty (1), Dakin (1), Dale (9), Dales (1), Dalton (4), Danvers (1), Darbyshire (2), Darling (4), Darlingon_ (2), Darlington (16), Darracott (3), Darrowe (1), Darwent (1), Daulby (12), Davenport (17), Davidson (1), Davies (143), Davis (14), Davison (1), Dawson (48), Daxon (3), Day (2), Dealtry (4), Dean (6), Deane (2), Deansfield (1), Dearden (3), Dearing (1), DeGruchy (3), Delaney (1), Delany (1), Delemere (1), Delves (1), Denby (1), Dennis (2), Dennison (3), Denton (9), Derbyshire (8), DeRosa (2), Desouza (1), Detjen (1), Detmer (4), Dettman (7), Dettmer (6), Dewhurst (12), Diamond (3), Dickinson (12), Digby (1), Diggle (3), Dingsdale (1), Ditchfield (1), Ditmer (1), Dittmer (123), Dittmer-Chaplin (2), Dixon (5), Doak (1), Doane (1), Doane-Smith (1), Dobb (1), Dobson (8), Dod (1), Dodd (31), Dod-Hopley (15), Dodson (1), Doherty (1), Dolby (1), Donovan (1), Dooley (17), Dootson (11), Doran (2), Dorning (2), Doud (1), Douglas (1), Dowber (2), Dowd (1), Dowker (11), Downes (1), Downing (1), Downs (3), Downward (1), Doxey (31), Doyle (1), Drain (3), Draine (19), Drake (2), Dransfield (1), Draper (3), Driver (4), Drummond (1), Drury (1), Duckworth (13), Duerden (1), Duerdin (1), Duffin (1), Dugdal (1), Duncan (3), Dunckacke (2), Dunderdale (1), Dungworth (2), Dunkacke (16), Dunkan (1), Dunn (16), Dunning (2), Dunphy (5), Durden (1), Durham (1), Düssmann (1), Dutson (1), Dutton (23), Duxbury (8), Dyer (1), Dyson (51)
- E - (61 Families, 611 Individuals)
E (1), Eagles (5), Eardley (1), Earl (1), Earnshaw (3), Eastaugh (6), Easthope (1), Easton (1), Eastwood (32), Eatock (2), Eaton (4), Ebbitt (1), Eccles (19), Echlin (22), Eckersell (1), Eckersley (13), Eddleston (1), Eddowes (211), Eddows (9), Edge (21), Edge_(nee_Partington) (1), Edington (9), Edmonds (6), Edmonds_(nee_Bagley) (1), Edmondson (10), Edmundson (4), Edowes (1), Edwards (53), Egan (1), Egerton (10), Egginton (1), Ehlers (1), Eichleberger (1), Ellam (1), Ellerton (1), Ellin (1), Ellinthorp (1), Elliot (1), Elliott (10), Ellis (13), Ellison (5), Elrick (1), Elson (1), Elton (2), Emmerson (1), Emmett (1), Emmott (1), Engelmann (1), Engstrom (1), Entwistle (78), Enwistle (1), Epworth (4), Errington (1), Escobar (1), Estelle (1), Eteson (1), Evans (24), Eve (1), Evers (1), Exton (1), Eyton (1)
- F - (85 Families, 564 Individuals)
Fahey (1), Fairbrother (1), Fairclough (14), Fairhurst (25), Falconer (1), Fallows (1), Fantom (1), Farebrother (1), Farnell (34), Farnworth (24), Farrall (1), Farrand (2), Farrell (1), Farrer (15), Farrington (2), Farrow (5), Faulkner (2), Fawthrop (1), Fearns (1), Felden (1), Fell (4), Fenton (2), Fernall (1), Fey (1), Fick (1), Fidler (34), Field (1), Fielden (1), Fielding (15), Field_or_Peel (1), Fieldsend (1), Finch (2), Finn (1), Finnergan (1), Firth (2), Fish (2), Fisher (50), Fishwick (1), Fitton (12), Flather (1), Fleet (7), Fleming (3), Fletcher (37), Fletcher_(nee_Robertson) (1), Flitcroft (26), Flood (1), Florence (2), Flynn (2), Focke (1), Fogg (16), Folds (4), Foley (1), Follett (3), Fontayne (1), Foot (1), Fopp (3), Ford (4), Forrest (5), Forshaw (1), Forster (5), Foster (23), Foulds (85), Foulk (1), Foulkes (7), Fowler (2), Fox (2), Foy (1), Frabisher (1), France (9), Francis (5), Frank (2), Frankland (2), Fraser (7), Fraszer (1), Freeman (2), Freer (3), French (3), Fricken (1), Frisch (2), Frith (2), Fuhrmaster (1), Fuller (1), Furnival (1), Fyles (1), Fyton (7)
- G - (114 Families, 837 Individuals)
Gal (4), Gallagher (2), Galley (7), Gallimore (1), Galvin (1), Gardener (5), Garey (1), Garlick (5), Garnet (3), Garnett (2), Garnham (1), Garrett (2), Garrity (1), Garside (13), Garswood (1), Garth (1), Garthside (4), Gartside (2), Gascoigne (2), Gaskel (1), Gawthorpe (1), Gay (1), Geadman (1), Gee (9), Gellerson (1), George (5), Gerken (1), Gerrard (9), Gibb (1), Gibbons (4), Gibson (27), Gidlow (6), Giles (1), Gill (6), Gillebrand (1), Gillibrand (6), Gillies (4), Gillimore (3), Gilmer (7), Gilmore (5), Gilpin (1), Gittins (2), Gladman (1), Gladstone (6), Glancey (1), Glazebrook (11), Gleadhill_ (2), Gleave (2), Gledhill_ (36), Glinsmann (1), Glover (2), Goatcher (5), Goble (1), Godfrey (1), Godment (4), Golden (2), Golding (8), Goldthorp (1), Goller_(or_Geller) (1), Goodall (2), Goodayre (2), Goodfellow (11), Goodram (3), Goodwin (1), Gorden (4), Gordon (2), Gore (17), Goring (1), Gornall (3), Gorner (1), Gorse (2), Gosling (1), Gospel (1), Goudy (2), Goulding (8), Grace (12), Gradwell (6), Graff (3), Graham (27), Granger (1), Gray (2), Greaves (2), Green (44), Greenall (1), Greene (1), Greenhalgh (159), Greenley (1), Greenshaw (1), Greenwood (12), Gregg (3), Gregory (43), Gregson (5), Greives (1), Grenwell (2), Greshon (1), Grey (4), Grieves (1), Griffiths (28), Grime (7), Grimes (2), Grimshaw (88), Groom (1), Grossman (1), Groves (1), Grundy (41), Grupposo (1), Gudger (1), Guest (15), Guffog (1), Gullan (1), Gumpright (6), Guttilla (1), Guy (2), Gwilliam (1)
- H - (228 Families, 2438 Individuals)
Haddock (12), Hadfield (2), Hadley (2), Haeseler (1), Hague (1), Haigh (25), Haines (1), Hainsworth (1), Hale (54), Halford (1), Hall (33), Hallen (1), Halley (1), Halliday (9), Halliwell (14), Hallmark (4), Hallowell (6), Hallsworth (1), Halnan (3), Halstead (2), Hamblet (1), Hamblett (1), Hamer (87), Hamers (1), Hamilton (1), Hammond (6), Hampson (26), Hampton (1), Hamson (3), Hancock (2), Hand (1), Handford (29), Hankey (1), Hankins (1), Hanley (1), Hanson (17), Hardacre (2), Harden (1), Harding (8), Harding(?) (1), Hardisty (1), Hardman (26), Hardy (2), Hares (1), Harfoot (1), Hargreaves (74), Harland (1), Harman (9), Harmon (1), Harnett (1), Harper (8), Harraman (1), Harrington (1), Harris (26), Harrison (31), Harrison_(nee_Longworth) (1), Hart (26), Harte (1), Hartley (20), Harvey (2), Harwood (6), Haslam (103), Hassall (10), Hastie (1), Hastwhittle (1), Hatch (1), Hatchard (3), Hatton (1), Haupt (5), Havers (7), Hawker (1), Hawkes (2), Hawkyard (2), Haworth (5), Haycocks (1), Hayden (1), Haydock (6), Hayes (7), Hayhurst (5), Haynes (2), Hayton (1), Hayward (1), Haywood (4), Heald (4), Healey (3), Heap (10), Heapy (20), Heatham (1), Heaton (38), Heffernan (1), Heggarty (6), Heins (2), Heinz (29), Heitmann (1), Hellawell (2), Hellwood (1), Helm (1), Hemmings (1), Hemmingway (6), Hemphill (1), Hendy (3), Hennings (3), Henshall (2), Hepburn (1), Hepple (1), Herridge (1), Herring (1), Heselwood (7), Hesketh (2), Heskith (1), Hesman (2), Hesten (3), Hestfurd (1), Heuer (4), Hewett (1), Hewitt (17), Hey (1), Heyes (10), Heys (9), Heywood (8), Hibbert (9), Hibbertson (2), Hick (1), Hickman (1), Hickman-Campbell (1), Hickson (5), Higginbottom (3), Higgins (16), Higginson (8), Higham (5), Higley (1), Higson (3), Hill (38), Hilton (48), Hinchliffe (9), Hindley (2), Hine (1), Hinten (1), Hinton (8), Hirst (13), Hitchen (1), Hitchens (1), Hitchins (4), Hoare (1), Hobson (1), Hockenhull (1), Hocknell (1), Hodge (1), Hodgen (1), Hodgkin (1), Hodgkinson (22), Hodgson (4), Hodkindon (7), Hodkinson (10), Hodson (17), Hoffman (1), Hoggitt (1), Holcroft (1), Holden (28), Holderhead (1), Holding (5), Holdreness (1), Holehouse (2), Holland (35), Hollenworth (1), Hollings (1), Hollins (1), Hollywood (1), Holman (6), Holme (8), Holmes (9), Holohan (2), Holt (252), Homer (1), Honeyford (1), Hooley (1), Hooper (2), Hooton (11), Hope (6), Hopewell (1), Hopkins (12), Hopkinson (6), Hopley (242), Hopwood (16), Horan (1), Hornby (2), Horocks (1), Horridge (4), Horrobin (2), Horrocks (39), Horsefield (2), Horseman (1), Horsfall (2), Horsfield (1), Horton (2), Hough (7), Houghton (7), Houlden (1), Hoult (2), Howard (6), Howarth (209), Howcroft (16), Howe (2), Howell (3), Hoyle (1), Hoyle_(nee_Hull) (1), Hubbard (5), Hudson (16), Hugganson (1), Hughes (96), Hullock (1), Hulme (20), Hulton (1), Hulton_(nee_Lee) (1), Humbarger (1), Humphreys (25), Humphryes (1), Hunt (24), Hunter (23), Huntington (2), Hured_(nee_Standring) (1), Hurst (7), Husberg (2), Hustler (1), Hutchen (1), Hutchinson (7), Huxley (6), Hynes (1)
- I - (15 Families, 287 Individuals)
Ibberson (1), Ibbitson (1), Ibbittson (1), Ickeringill (34), Ideson (3), Ingham (7), Inglis (1), Ingram (3), Inman (12), Ipson (2), Iredale (2), Ironfield (1), Isherwood (217), Isherwood_or_Pilkington (1), Ivanoff (1)
- J - (37 Families, 439 Individuals)
Jacks (1), Jackson (45), Jagger (1), James (8), Jameson (1), Jane (1), Jaques (2), Jardine (1), Jarvis (7), Jay (5), Jebb (9), Jeffs (1), Jellicoe (42), Jenkins (10), Jenkinson (12), Jennings (1), Jennion (1), Jensen (3), Jenson (1), Jepson (6), Jerius (1), Jewell (1), Johnson (47), Johnston (1), Jolley (3), Jolly (1), Jon (1), Jones (195), Jordan (3), Jordison (1), Joseland (2), Jowett (1), Joyce (4), Joynson (1), Jubb (1), Judge (15), Jupe (3)
- K - (69 Families, 481 Individuals)
K (1), Kane (1), Karking_(nee_Neville) (1), Kay (149), Kaye (16), Kay_(TBC) (1), Kearney (8), Keegan (2), Keele (1), Keen (4), Kellett (1), Kelley (1), Kellow (2), Kelly (4), Kelly_(nee_Entwistle) (1), Kelsall (1), Kemp (1), Kempster (1), Kendall (2), Kendrich (1), Kendrick (1), Kendricke (5), Kenison (1), Kenna (1), Kennedy (1), Kennerley (1), Kenney (27), Kenny (2), Kenyon (3), Kercher (1), Kerr (6), Kershaw (7), Kettle (1), Keyes (1), Kidd (6), Kilderbee (1), Kilshaw (1), Kinder (38), King (8), Kingsley (1), Kinloch (2), Kinlock (4), Kinnear (1), Kirby (1), Kirk (1), Kirkbride (4), Kirkby (1), Kirkham (6), Kirkman (14), Kissam (1), Kitchen (5), Kitching (1), Kleine (1), Kleinicke (5), Klerecka (1), Knapp (3), Knight (4), Knighton (1), Knowles (100), Koellman (1), Koellmann (2), Kohlmeier (1), Köhrs (1), Kowalsky (1), Krantz (2), Kröger (2), Krohn (1), Kuhlmaun (1), Kynaston (1)
- L - (115 Families, 1115 Individuals)
Laithwaite (1), Lamb (2), Lambie (2), Lampkin (6), LaMunyon (1), Lancashire (1), Lancaster (6), Lane (2), Lang (1), Langan (1), Langkam (1), Langley (4), Langshaw (3), Langstroth (1), Langton (1), Large (1), Latham (8), Latimer (1), Laughlin (1), Lawley (4), Lawlor (1), Lawrence (21), Lawson (3), Lawton (8), Lay (2), Lea (54), Leach (7), Leadbetter (16), Leah (1), Leahy (1), Leak (1), Learman (2), Leat (9), Leather (1), Leatherbarrow (19), Leaver (1), Ledgard (1), Ledsham (16), Ledsome (1), Lee (70), Leech (11), Lees (19), Leetward (1), Leigh (9), Leighton (2), Lester (2), Lever (31), Lewell (1), Lewin (4), Lewis (130), Ley (1), Leyland (2), Liche (1), Licht (20), Lichte (1), Liddiard (3), Liddicote (10), Liddle (1), Light (5), Lightbown (1), Lightburn (1), Lightfoot (3), Lightowler (1), Lilly (1), Lincoln (2), Lindley (9), Lindop (2), Lindsey (4), Ling (11), Lingard (1), Lings (1), Liptrot (2), Lish (4), Lister (47), Liversidge (21), Livesey (13), Lloyd (12), Lobb (1), Locke (2), Lockton (8), Lockwood (3), Lodge (10), Loftus (1), Logan (2), Lomas (1), Lomax (222), Long (1), Longmore (2), Longton (4), Longworth (42), Lonsdale (3), Lord (18), Lovatt (5), Love (3), Lovell (1), Lovett (5), Low (10), Lowe (46), Lowther (1), Lubking (1), Lucas (6), Lüllan (3), Lumb (1), Lunn (2), Lunt (2), Lusty (1), Luter (2), Luther (1), Lutman (2), Lyman (19), Lynch (2), Lyne (2), Lyon (2), Lyons (1), Lyte (4)
- M - (194 Families, 6217 Individuals)
MacDonald (10), Machin (2), MacKay (3), Mackland (1), Maddick (6), Maddock (2), Maddocks (1), Madely (1), Maden (1), Madther (20), Magson (1), Maher (1), Mahoney (2), Maken (8), Makin (4), Makinson (20), Malam (3), Malinson (1), Mallalien (1), Mallard (1), Mallett (1), Malley (1), Mallinson (1), Malloy (1), Malpass (1), Manley (2), Mann (14), Manning (23), Mannion (7), Manock (2), Manson (1), Manuell (3), Maplestone (1), Marion (1), Markland_or_Wright (1), Marks (2), Marlow (1), Marsden (16), Marsh (23), Marshall (6), Marson (1), Martin (22), Marwick (8), Marz (11), Mason (21), Masse (2), Massey (2), Masteller (1), Mather (5071), Mather-Black (3), Mathers (7), Mather_(tbc) (1), Mathews (1), Matkin (1), Matther (1), Matthews (13), Mawdsley (1), May (5), Mayo (1), Mayoh (8), McBurnie (1), McCallow (1), McCann (1), McCardle (1), McCarthy (1), McCashney (2), McCaskie (1), McCauley (3), McClean (1), McClinchey (1), McConnell (1), McCormick (1), McCrink (1), McDermott (1), McDona (1), McDonough (1), McDowell (9), McEnery (1), McFarlane (2), McGinley (1), McGovern (1), McGrattan (2), McGuirk (1), McGurn (2), McHale (4), McKay (1), McLaughlin (1), McLeod (1), McMellon (6), McNamara (1), McNeil (2), McQuire (1), McWilliams (1), Meaden (1), Meadowcroft (4), Meadows (4), Meadows_(nee_Mann) (1), Mealor (1), Mearns (1), Medley (21), Medowcroft (1), Megson (1), Mellan (1), Meller (2), Melling (3), Mellor (9), Mellow (1), Mercer (44), Meredith (7), Mernock (1), Merral (1), Messenger (1), Metcalf (1), Metcalfe (3), Michael (1), Middleton (1), Midgley (1), Midwood (1), Mikels (1), Mildenhall (1), Miles (1), Milholland (1), Miller (71), Millhouse (1), Millington (249), Millman (1), Millner (1), Mills (11), Milner (1), Milvain (1), Miner (1), Minshall (1), Mires (1), Mitchell (8), Mitton (1), Mizen (2), Moband_(tbc) (1), Moc (1), Mockridge (1), Molineaux (1), Möllerstedt (1), Molly (1), Molton (1), Molyneux (3), Monaghan (1), Mong (1), Monk (1), Monks (5), Montgomery (1), Mooney (1), Moore (27), Moores (2), Moorhouse (4), Moors (2), Moran (5), Moreau (1), Morehouse (1), Moreton (3), Morgan (13), Morlan (1), Morrey (2), Morrey_(wid) (1), Morris (93), Mort (6), Morten (2), Mortimer (4), Mortimore (3), Morton (1), Moscrop (7), Moseley (1), Moses (14), Moss (7), Mosscrop (1), Mottram (1), Moulton (3), Mounsdon (1), Mountain (1), Moutray (1), Mowberry (1), Moyers (11), Moyes (1), Moyle (5), Much (1), Mudge (1), Mulholland (1), Mullineaux (2), Mullineux (1), Mullins (1), Mullock (32), Murgatroyd (4), Murphy (8), Murray (12), Mussmann (6), Myles (1)
- N - (44 Families, 271 Individuals)
Nabb (7), Nagle (1), Nault (1), Navin (1), Naylor (13), Neale (2), Needham (2), (nee_Settle) (1), Neild (1), Nelson (21), Ness (1), Nevett (1), Neville (5), New (1), Newell (1), Newing (1), Newman (3), Newsham (1), Newton (1), Nicholas (1), Nichols (3), Nicholson (1), Nield (12), Niemann (22), Nightingale (58), Nixon (4), Noakes (2), Nodler (1), Noël (1), Nolder (3), Noonan (1), Norcross (2), Noris (1), Norris (2), North (8), Norton (2), Nowell (3), Nowland (1), Noy (1), Nugent (40), Nunweek (1), Nuttall (32), Nutter (2), Nutton (2)
- O - (39 Families, 317 Individuals)
O'Boyle (1), O'Brien (7), O'Caron (1), Oddie (6), Oddy (2), O'Flaherty (4), O'Gara (10), Ogden (8), Okell (5), O'Kell (1), Okill (1), Oldfield (3), Oldham (12), O'Leary (1), Olivant (1), Oliver (5), Oliverson (8), Ollerenshaw (1), Ollerhead (1), Ollerton (4), Olsen (2), O'Neill (1), Onions (1), Openshaw (52), Orem (1), Ormrod (2), Orrell (45), Orrett (1), Orton (1), Osborne (1), Osbuston (1), O'Toole (2), Otterhead (1), Overend (1), Overton (1), Owen (53), Owens (7), Oxley (2), Oxton (60)
- P - (124 Families, 817 Individuals)
Paginton (1), Palin (1), Pallas (1), Pallett (2), Palmer (2), Pardoe (1), Pargeon (1), Park (6), Parker (10), Parkes (2), Parkin (8), Parkinson (19), Parks (3), Parr (7), Parramore (1), Parrot (1), Parrott (2), Parry (22), Part (1), Partington (24), Pasquill (2), Patchett (2), Pate (1), Paterson (1), Patten (1), Patterson (2), Patullo (6), Payne (1), Peach (4), Peak (5), Pearce (1), Pearson (11), Peck (1), Peears (1), Peel (8), Peers (3), Pegler (1), Pendlebury (61), Pendlebury_(nee_Wilcock) (1), Penk (1), Penketh (1), Penman (1), Pennington (10), Penston (1), Pepper (1), Percival (4), Perkin (2), Perkins (1), Perrin (4), Perry (4), Peters (4), Peterson (4), Pevitt (4), Pflanz (4), Phethean (9), Philips (1), Philling (1), Phillips (5), Phythian (16), Pickering (3), Pickett (1), Pickles (206), Pickstock (2), Pickstones (1), Pickup (11), Pierce (4), Piercy (3), Pighels (7), Pighills (25), Pilkington (11), Pilling (15), Pilsbury (2), Pimblett (1), Pimental (1), Pimley (1), Pimlott (2), Pinington (1), Pinnington (6), Plat (1), Platt (7), Plumb (1), Poff (1), Pollard (3), Pollitt (21), Pollot (1), Pomfret (3), Pomfret_Cooper (1), Pontefract (1), Poole (5), Poovah (1), Poreba (1), Porter (8), Postans (14), Potter (8), Poulson (9), Povah (1), Povall (1), Povey (1), Powell (3), Power (2), Poynton (1), Preece (2), Prescott (5), Preston (1), Pribyl (1), Price (38), Priest (2), Priestley (1), Priestman (6), Prince (6), Pritchard (2), Probert (2), Probin (1), Procter (1), Proctor (11), Proudlove (5), Puddy (5), Pugh (8), Purcell (5), Purdue (1), Pushkarich (1), Pye (4), Pym (2), Pymm (3)
- Q - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Quigley (1), Quinn (1)
- R - (122 Families, 904 Individuals)
Radcliffe (3), Rader (1), Radford (1), Rainford (4), Ralphs (6), Ramel (1), Rammage (1), Ramsay (2), Ramsburg (1), Ramscar (1), Ramsden (48), Randall (2), Randeberg (2), Randles (4), Ranger (1), Rankin (2), Rasmussen (1), Ratcliffe (24), Rathbone (1), Raty (1), Rawcliffe (2), Rawlings (5), Rawlinson (1), Rawsthorn (2), Rawsthorn_or_ROSTRON (1), Ray (1), Rayman (1), Raynor (1), Reade (9), Rearden (3), Reay (2), Reddrop (1), Redfearn (4), Redford (5), Redgrave (1), Redner (4), Reece (2), Reed (4), Reeves (2), Regan (1), Rehbein (1), Reid (1), Rennard (2), Reynolds (5), Reypa (1), Rhodes (29), Rice (5), Rich (1), Richards (44), Richards_(nee_Fisher) (1), Richardson (45), Riches (2), Richings (1), Riddle (2), Rider (8), Ridgeway (1), Riding (20), Ridings (7), Ridley (5), Ridyard (6), Rieckmann (4), Rigby (47), Rigby_(nee_Swift) (1), Rigg (6), Riley (12), Rimmer (2), Riordan (1), Rippe (1), Ripson (1), Rishton (1), Rndeberg (1), Robbins (1), Röber (1), Roberts (137), Robertshaw (1), Robins (4), Robinson (115), Robison (1), Roe (1), Roebotham (1), Roebuck (6), Rogers (11), Rogerson (15), Rooke (1), Root (4), Roper (4), Roscoe (27), Roscoe_(nee_Parr) (1), Roscow (3), Rose (1), Roskell (1), Rosthorn (17), Rostron (20), Rothorn (1), Rothwell (40), Roughley (1), Rowe (3), Rowland (7), Rowlands (3), Rowley (2), Roy (1), Roycroft (1), Royd (1), Roydes (1), Royle (2), Rucker (1), Rueger (4), Rueger/Rogers (1), Ruffley (1), Ruscoe (2), Rushbrooke (1), Rusher (1), Rushton (5), Rushworth (1), Russell (8), Rutherford (5), Rutter (7), Rutter_(nee_Hayes) (1), Rylance (2), Rylands (1), Ryman (1), Rymill (3)
- S - (212 Families, 1792 Individuals)
Sabir (1), Sadler (2), Salandar (1), Sale (1), Salem (14), Salisbury (2), Salmon (3), Salmons (1), Salt (14), Sandall (1), Sandels (1), Sanderson (12), Sandford (16), Sandham (1), Sandiford (2), Sankey (1), Sansom (1), Saunders (4), Savage (2), Savage_(nee_Somerset) (1), Saville (1), Saxton (1), Sayce (6), Schafer (1), Schenk (2), Schleesselmann (1), Schmalfeldt (1), Schmidt (3), Schofield (69), Scholes (1), Schörling (1), Schoster (1), Scoffield (12), Scott (3), Scover (1), Scowcroft (16), Scriggins (1), Scrivens (6), Seal (1), Seddon (27), Seed (1), Seeley (1), Sellers (2), Senior (1), Settle (19), Sewell (2), Seymour (1), Seyton-Sykes (5), Shackleton (1), Shambley (1), Shannon (2), Sharman (1), Sharp (5), Sharples (5), Sharrock (1), Sharrocks (1), Shaw (83), Sheard (1), Shelley (1), Shelmerdine (1), Shenton (3), Shepherd (7), Sheppard (3), Sherlock (52), Sherriff (2), Shiel (1), Shimmins (1), Shipley (21), Shippen (3), Shippobottom (1), Shipton (1), Shirley (1), Shoesmith (1), Shone (10), Shorrock (1), Short (4), Shorter (2), Shortreid (1), Shuttleworth (21), Siddal (1), Sidlow (1), Sidwell (1), Sieckmann (5), Silby (1), Silkworth (1), Sill (29), Sillitoe (1), Sills (1), Sim (2), Simcock (1), Simeon (1), Simister (7), Simm (4), Simmill (1), Simmonds (1), Simmonite (1), Simmons (4), Simms (2), Simon (1), Simpson (12), Sims (1), Sinclair (4), Singleton (16), Sinker (1), Siteman (1), Sixsmith (5), Skeat (1), Skeffington (1), Skiffington (1), Skinner (1), Skirrow (4), Skoth (1), Slack (2), Slater (37), Sleddon (3), Smale (1), Smalley (3), Smethurst (6), Smith (245), Smith_(nee_Jackson) (1), Smithson (1), Snelson (4), Snowdon (1), Snowsill (1), Sofield (1), Soper (1), Sorensen (1), Soriano (1), Soundy (3), Southall (2), Southern (9), Southward (3), Speak (1), Speakman (2), Speed (1), Speet (3), Speight (1), Spence (2), Spencer (10), Spicer (7), Spouncer (1), Stables (1), Stafford (4), Stallings (1), Stananought (13), Stancliffe (1), Standish (9), Standring (1), Stanfield (1), Stanford (1), Stanley (1), Stansbury (3), Stanton (16), Stanway (6), Stanyer (1), Starkey (6), Statham (1), Staveacre (1), Steadman (1), Steads (1), Steele (6), Stenhouse (2), Stephenson (20), Stevens (24), Stevenson (9), Stewart (2), Stickney (5), Stienhauer (1), Stienhaur_or_Roehl (1), Still (1), Stillings (1), Stirrup (1), Stocks (459), Stocks(?) (1), Stockton (12), Stoddard (1), Stokes (3), Stoneking (1), Stones (38), Stoney (1), Storey (6), Story (2), Stott (22), Street (1), Streets (3), Stretch (1), Strickland (1), Stuart (3), Stubbs (1), Stull (7), Sudlow (5), Sugden (3), Summers (1), Summersgill (1), Sumner (12), Sunder_(nee_Horsfield) (1), Sutcliff (2), Sutton (5), Swan (1), Swanick (6), Swanwick (1), Sweeney (1), Swift (6), Swinby (1), Swindells (2), Swindels (1), Swindon (1), Swinglehurst (1), Sybrowsky (3), Syddall (1), Sykes (55), Symcock (1)
- T - (105 Families, 1013 Individuals)
Taberner (1), Tabley (1), Tait (5), Talbot (1), Tarrant (1), Tasker (1), Tate (9), Tatham (1), Tattersall (9), Tatterson (1), Taylor (193), Tazaker (1), Taziter (1), Teeples (1), Teesdale (3), Telson (4), Tennant (1), Terry (1), Thackery (1), Thestows (1), Thomas (48), Thomason (4), Thomasson (12), Thomison (1), Thompson (29), Thomson (1), Thorley (2), Thornley (32), Thornton (22), Thorp (3), Thorpe (20), Threlfall (1), Thwaites (1), Tibbett (1), Tice (3), Tickle (2), Tideswell (1), Tiffany (1), Tildesley (1), Tildsey (10), Tildsley (1), Tilston (1), Timmis (82), Timpany (2), Timperley (1), Tindsley (1), Tingle (5), Tinslay (1), Tinsley (3), Tipping (1), Titel (1), Tittensor (2), Tobin (1), Todd (1), Tolinson (1), Tolley (2), Tomkin (1), Tomkins (1), Tomlinson (254), Tommason (1), Tong (15), Tonge (10), Tonge_(aka_Mather) (1), Toose (1), Tootel (1), Tootil (2), Topham (1), Topper (1), Topping (8), Towers (1), Towery (1), Towler (11), Townend (1), Townley (4), Townsend (3), Trainor (1), Tramm (1), Tranter (1), Trantum (1), Travers (1), Travis (4), Treber (4), Trees (1), Trelford (1), Tromans (1), Tudor (1), Tunnadine (1), Tunnicliff (1), Tunstall (1), Turnbull (11), Turner (49), Turpin (1), Turtington (6), Tushingham (15), Tweedy (1), Twigg (1), Twisse (4), Twist (21), Twitchell (2), Tyack (8), Tyldesley (5), Tyldsley (1), Tylee (2), Tyrer (4), Tyson (6)
- U - (6 Families, 146 Individuals)
Unadkat (1), Underhill (1), Underwood (1), <unknown> (122), Unsworth (20), Urmson (1)
- V - (12 Families, 52 Individuals)
Valentine (1), VanDerLinde (1), Varley (1), Varty (2), Vaughan (1), Verity (1), Vicars (4), Vickerman (1), Vickers (35), Vickers_(not_Bickerstaff) (1), Vincent (1), Viner (3)
- W - (175 Families, 1559 Individuals)
Waddell (1), Waddicar (5), Waddicor (1), Waddington (21), Wade (1), Wagstaff (2), Wain (1), Wainright (18), Wainwright (1), Waite (1), Wake (1), Walch (2), Walkden (3), Walker (28), Wallace (15), Walley (7), Walls (1), Wallsworth (1), Wallwork (3), Wallwork_(nee_Crossley) (1), Walmsley (52), Walsh (37), Walters (2), Walton (17), Wane (1), Warbrick (4), Warburton (46), Warburton-Owen (1), Ward (18), Wardle (4), Wardley (3), Ware (1), Waring (3), Warner (5), Warren (1), Washington (1), Wastphal (1), Waterhouse (1), Waters (1), Waterson (4), Waterworth (1), Watkins (18), Watkins_(nee_Ruby) (1), Watkinson (2), Watkin_(Wid) (1), Watmuff (1), Watson (27), Watt (1), Watts (1), Waylett (1), Weatherall (1), Weaver_(nee_Jones) (1), Webb (3), Webenham (1), Webster (3), Wedemann (1), Wedemeier (1), Weeden (2), Weigh (1), Welch (2), Wellard (3), Wells (5), Welsby (16), Welsh (8), Wendeler (1), West (1), Westby (19), Westfall (3), Westpfahl (15), Westphal (22), Westphall (3), Westray (1), Wetherall (1), Wetterroth (1), Whaley (2), Whalley (23), Wharmby (1), Wharton (1), Whatling (1), Whatson (1), Wheeliker (3), Whelan (1), Whip (1), Whiston (1), Whitaker (29), White (12), Whitefield (5), Whitehead (52), Whitehouse (2), Whitelaw (4), Whiteoak (1), Whitfield (5), Whitley (3), Whitlock_Foot (1), Whitlow (2), Whitlowe (1), Whittaker (20), Whittingham (5), Whittle (8), Whittlestone (1), Whitwood (3), Whitworth (4), Whyte (1), Widdop (1), Wigans (1), Wigglesworth (1), Wild (10), Wilde (3), Wilding (4), Wildreman (1), Wilkey (1), Wilkinson (53), Wilks (5), Williams (136), Williamson (2), Willis (1), Willoughby (1), Wills (1), Wilmer (2), Wils (1), Wilshaw (1), Wilson (35), Wilt (2), Wimston (1), Winder (1), Windett (4), Windsor (9), Wines (1), Winpenny (1), Winslade (1), Winstanley (17), Winter (1), Winterbottom (30), Winwood (1), Wirtz (5), Wise (2), Wiswall (4), Withers (3), Withington (1), Withnell (7), Wittam (1), Wittenshaw (1), Witthoeft (1), Witthoft (7), Wöhnke (1), Wolfendale (17), Wolfenden (2), Wolstencroft (1), Wolstenholm (1), Wood (209), Wood(?) (1), Woodcock (4), Woodfield (1), Woodfin (7), Woodfine (1), Woodford (1), Woodhead (9), Woods (14), Woodward (140), Woodworth (24), Wooley (1), Woolland (1), Worden (2), Worrall (1), Worsley (6), Worswick (1), Worth (6), Worthen (1), Worthington (2), Wright (31), Wrigley (17), Wroe (4), Wyman (1), Wynn (1), Wynne (10)
- Y - (14 Families, 98 Individuals)
Yaffe (1), Yardley (2), Yate (1), Yates (51), Yates-Hale (5), Yaxley (1), Yeaman (1), Yearnshaw (1), Yearsly (1), Yeomans (1), York (11), Youd (2), Young (19), Younie (1)
- Z - (1 Family, 2 Individuals)
Zilz (2)
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