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Individual - Ann Delaney

Email correspondance
Hi my name is Anne  I live in Bingley , The names I have in my family tree are also in yours .My grandmother was called Sarah Elizabeth Foulds before married  born 1887  died 1965  in Bingley  her father was Frederick George  Foulds  born 1864  in  Rochdale , died 1944  in  Bingley  ,  his father was  Frederick  Wild  Foulds  , I am having difficulty finding  his  birth certificate It is not registered at Keighley or  Bradford  , he was married to Sarah Hewitt born 1841 in Newton  Cheshire died 1909 in Bingley  His  father was George Foulds  born 1813  . If  you need any more information please feel free to  Email me .  Thank you Anne
Hi sorry to bother you again the name I gave you for Frederick Wild's  adopted daughter was wrong it is Mary  Snowdon  not Margaret  .He was married to Sarah Hewitt 1862  at Barton upon Irwell .    Anne
The cited information was sourced from Individual published on April 1st, 2007 This citation is considered to be evidence of questionable reliability (interviews, census, oral genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).

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