In the name of God Amen. I, Gabriell Mather of Kersley in the Countie of Lancaster, blacksmyth, sicke in bodie etc.—leaves " bodie to be buried in y* Parish Church of Deane." Property into three equal parts. " One third parte to Margaret Mather my wyiFe " & " another thirde parte to my two sonnes Henry & John Mather."—One other thirde part I reserve unto myselfe." " Item—I give & bequeath unto my mother Anne [Emme ? ] Mather one paire of gooses."—" To Richard Mather sonne of Thomas Mather my brother, iii^ iiiiV—" Margerie Mather my sister."— "I give and bequeath unto the younge sonne of my brother Samuell, my godson, iii^ iiiiV "John Howell [Hawell?] my Father in lawe."—" Robert Granger cooke of Leaver."—" George Woode."
Executors : Margaret his wife & " Henerie Scolcroft of ffarnworth." — 16"^ Oct. 1604. Gabriel Mather his mark.