It was possibly Roger Harwood who was married to Ann (Pendlebury) before she became a widow and married James Crook in 1785. Their son John Harwood was the only Harwood baptism to a mother Ann between 1765 and 1785. However, there was also baptisms in 1787 and 1789, so Roger never died and it is unlikely to be Roger.
John Harwood is the only adult male to be buried at (Tutron) Bolton within 10years (in April 1785) of widower Ann Marrying James Crook. However, this is 4 months after Ann's marriage. Instead, Isaac Harwood seems a likely candidate, buried at Deane in 1775 (and no matches at Halliwell, Bradshaw or Bury). However there are deaths for William, George, James from Blackburn.