Mary Elizabeth Hampson
Mary was born on June 3rd, 1885 in
Birth Notes
Death record has DOB as 3/6/1885
Name Mary Elizabeth Hampson
Gender Female
Baptism Age 0
Record Type Baptism
Birth Date 3 Jun 1885
Baptism Date 30 Jun 1885
Baptism Place Runcorn, Camden Methodist Church, Cheshire
Father Thomas Hampson
Mother Hannah Hampson
She died at the age of 89 on November 15th, 1974 in
Astley Bridge.
Death Notes
Abode matches James Nelson's probate
Name Mary Elizabeth Nelson
Death Date 15 Nov 1974
Death Place Bolton Lancs
Probate Date 18 Dec 1974
Probate Registry Sheffield
NELSON, Mary Elizabeth of 48 Primrose St, Astley Bridge, Bolton Lancs died 15 Nov 1974. Estate: £3514.
Lancashire Death indexes for the years: 1974
NELSON Mary Elizabeth 03/Jun/1885 Bolton A A/2A/52
General Notes
This is probably Mary Elizabeth Burnskill of Blackburn or Mary Elizabeth Thornton of Burnley, both born 3 June 1855.
There are 4 or 5 Mary Elizabeth Hampsons born in Lancashire in 1887-1889
In 1939, Mary Elizabeth Nelson Hampson (later Nelson) DON 3-Jun 1885 was living at 48 Primrose Street, (Astley Bridge), Bolton. She was living with Hannah Hamer, possibly her mother.
Mary and
James were married in a religious ceremony in 1945 in
Astley Bridge.
Marriage/Union Notes
Lancashire Marriage indexes for the years: 1945
NELSON James HAMPSON Mary E Bolton, Wesleyan Chapel, Seymour Road, Astley Bridge 160/5/22
There are no children.