Mary Foulds
Mary is no longer alive.
Mary Ann Foster
Mary was born in 1852 at
Birth Notes
Aged 10 in 1861
Aged 19 in 1871
Aged 23 in 1876 when married
Aged 25 in 1881
Aged 37 in 1891
Aged 47 in 1901
Lancashire Birth indexes for the years: 1852
FOSTER Mary Ann FOULDS Colne COL/24/31
James Foster
James was born in 1853 at
Birth Notes
Aged 8 in 1861, born Colne
Lancashire Birth indexes for the years: 1854
FOSTER James FOULDS Colne COL/28/31
Family Additional Information
A family check-list to complete for each family
BMD Births | Yes (4 children) |