As common a name in Hebrew as Smith is in English, Azariah in Hebrew me ans "Whom God aids". He was crowned when he was only 16 years old, and r eigned for 52 years. He was an energetic organizer, recapturing Elathon the Red Sea to aid commerce in Judah,h AZARIAH A king of Judah, also called Uzziah (2 Kgs. 14: 21; 2 Kgs. 15: 1, 7, 27 ; 1 Chr. 3: 12; 2 Chr. 26). Also many other men, as in 2 Chr. 15: 1; 2 C hr. 26: 16-21; Jer. 43: 2; Dan. 1: 6-7; Dan. 2: 17.