The name of the fourth son of Ham (Gen. 9: 22; Gen. 10: 6); also used t o denotethe tribe inhabiting the lowland (hence the name) toward the Med iterranean coast of Palestine; sometimes as a general name for all the n on-Israelite inhabitants of the countn Canaan, Canaanites The fourth son of Ham, the grandson of Noah and the ancestor of the Can aanites (Genesis 10:6, 15-19). Ham was cursed by Noah for gazing upon hi s nakedness: 'Cursed be Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his bro thers' (Genesis 9: Yepheth (Japeth) <snip> When his father lay drunk in his tent, Yepheth and Shem covered his nak edness. Noah blessed Yepheth: 'May God enlarge Yepheth, and let him dwel l in the tents of Shem; And let Canaan be a slave to them' (Genesis9:27) . Book I, Chapter 6 2. ...The sons of Canaan were [list]. we have nothing in thesacred book s but their names, for the Hebrews overthrew their cities; and their cal amities came upon them on the occasion following. [Noah's unseem