OR "MERYAMUN SI-BAST"; PER-'O 874-850 BC ZERAH sunrise. 1. An "Ethiopian," probably Osorkon II., the successor of Shishak on th e throne of Egypt. With an enormous army, the largest we read of in Scri pture, he invaded the kingdom of Judah in the days of Asa (2 Chronicles 14:9-15). He reached ZERAH See ZARAH 6. King of Ethiopia -- 2 Chronicles 14:9-15 ZE?אשRAH (rising (of the sun)). 5. The Ethiopian or Cushite, an invader of Judah, defeated by Asa about B.C. 941. [ASA] Zerah is probably the Hebrew name of Usarken I., second king of the Egyptian twenty-second dynasty; or perhaps more probably Us arke ZERAH Zerah or Zarah = "rising" 5. the Ethiopian or Cushite, invader of Judah in the reign of Asa who d efeated the invaders; probably the same as the Egyptian king Usarken I, second king of the Egyptian 22nd dynasty or perhaps more probably Usarke n II