SERAIAH 10. A servant of Zedekiah -- Jeremiah 51:59,61 (Nave's) SERAIAH * The son of Neriah. When Zedekiah made a journey to Babylon to do homa ge to Nebuchadnezzar, Seraiah had charge of the royal gifts to be presen ted on that occasion. Jeremiah took advantage of the occasion, and sent with Seraiaha word of cheer SERAIAH The son of Neriah and brother of Baruch. (Jeremiah 51:59,61) He wentwit h Zedekiah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. (B.C. 594.) Perha ps he was an officer who took charge of the royal caravan on its march, and fixed the places where i SERAIAH (8) The son of Neriah, who went into exile with Zedekiah. He was alsoca lled Sar Menuchah ("prince of repose"). The Targum renders Sar Menuchah by Rabh Tiqrabhta, "prince of battle, and Septuagint by archon doron, "p rince of gifts," reading Min