Descendants of's father is יהודה and his mother is Aliyath. His paternal grandparents were יעקב ישראל and לאה; his maternal grandfather is Shua. He is the youngest of four children. He has three brothers named שלח, אונן and ער. He has two half-brothers named זרח and פרץ.
General Notes
The tribe of Judah was allotted the territory which included Bethlehem, the home of Naomi's family, where Ruth married Boaz, and where David wa s born. Although Joshua won a battle against the king of Jerusalem, the Jebusites apparently recaptured the cic BD Jew The name indicated first of all a man of the kingdom of Judah, as disti nguished from persons belonging to the northern kingdom of Israel. Its f irst chronological occurrence in the Bible is in 2 Kgs. 16: 6, about 740 B.C. It hasbecome customaryr