JEROBOAM increase of the people. (2) Jeroboam II. The son and successor ofJehoash, and the fourteenth ki ng of Israel, over which he ruled for forty-one years, B.C. 825-784 (2 K ings 14:23). He followed the example of the first Jeroboam in keeping up JEROBOAM King of Israel Successor to Jehoash 2 Kings 14:16,23 Makes conquest of Hamath and Damascus 2 Kings 14:25-28 Wicked reign of 2 Kings 14:24 Prophecies concerning Amos 7:7-13 Death of 2 Kings 14:29 Genealogies written during JEROBO?אשAM (whose people are many). 2. Jeroboam II., the son of Joash, thefourth of the dynasty of Jehu. (B .C. 825-784.) The most prosperous of the kingsof Israel. He repelled the Syrian invaders, took their capital city Damascus,(2 Kings 14:28) a