- A - (12 Families, 25 Individuals)
Aartse (1), Adams (2), Agnew (2), Allegretto (2), Allen (1), Amos (1), Anderson (2), Applegate (1), Arnold (7), Artepe (1), Axelrod (4), Ayres (1)
- B - (31 Families, 73 Individuals)
Bailey (1), Balla (2), Barbarino (1), Bates (2), Batton (1), Bauer (5), Bayer (1), Beeson (1), Betts (1), Black (1), Blaise (1), Blakely (1), Bland (1), Blessing (1), Board (8), Bodine (4), Bond (1), Bonnett (1), Bookman_ (1), Borthwick (1), Boyer (1), Bradley (8), Brosche (1), Brown (9), Bucheit (1), Buoy (1), Burgess (1), Burns (1), Butcher_ (11), Butcher (2), Byrne (1)
- C - (27 Families, 80 Individuals)
Cain (33), Cargnoni (1), Carmichael (5), Carpenter (1), Carper (2), Carrothers (2), Chabassol (2), Chamberlin (1), Chase (1), Cheesman (1), Chenoweth (1), Christy (1), Cline (2), Cobb (1), Cockrell (1), Cole (1), Collachi (1), Collins (1), Compton (1), Conaway (4), Cook (1), Copen (1), Corna (4), Cox (4), Crozear (1), Cunningham (2), Curfman (4)
- D - (16 Families, 474 Individuals)
Dauphin (1), De_la_Maetre (1), Dellabar (1), Dey (53), Disbrow (1), Dobson (2), Doolittle (14), Dorn (1), Dorody (1), Drake (2), Drennen (1), Duke (2), Duyts (10), Duytszen (1), Dwan (1), Dye (382)
- E - (4 Families, 17 Individuals)
Eastman (1), Edwards (12), Enoch (3), Enouch (1)
- F - (7 Families, 8 Individuals)
Farmer (1), Farnsworth (1), Fisher (1), Foster (1), Fountain (1), Fouts (1), Fox (2)
- G - (18 Families, 58 Individuals)
Gandee (1), Gant (1), Gardner (2), Gay (5), Geer (1), George (13), Gibson (16), Giffin (1), Gilligan (1), Glockner (1), Goff (1), Goffe (5), Griggs (1), Grubbs (1), Guinn (1), Guyton (2), Guzzo (4), Gyurik (1)
- H - (23 Families, 62 Individuals)
Hall (3), Hammer (1), Hanna (1), Hannon (5), Hardin (1), Harvey (2), Hayes (1), Heffner (1), Hefner (10), Hennen (1), Hertel (4), Hickman (1), Hill (10), Hirt (4), Hixon (1), Hoagland (1), Hocking (1), Hoerchel (3), Holtzheimer (2), Holup (1), Hooper (6), Hurlbert (1), Hutchinson (1)
- J - (6 Families, 11 Individuals)
Janis (1), Janner (1), Jansen (2), Jeuriaens (1), Johnson (5), Jurians (1)
- K - (8 Families, 29 Individuals)
Kaster (1), Keffer (1), Kelley (2), Kemph (3), Kennedy (4), King (2), Knopp (9), Krebs (7)
- L - (18 Families, 76 Individuals)
LaBarge (1), Laird (3), Lantz (1), Lauer (2), Lawson (1), Ledsome (44), Lee (6), Leet (2), Leiser (1), Levine (1), Lewis (1), Link (1), Lockhart (4), Loppicole (1), Lough (4), Lowther (1), Luddington (1), Lutchman (1)
- M - (36 Families, 92 Individuals)
MacDougall (1), Marchese (4), Marshall (12), Marstrand (1), Martin (1), Mason (1), Mays (1), McAllister (1), McClung (2), McCoy (2), McCutcheon (2), McCutcheon_ (2), McElroy (1), McFee (15), McHugh-Amstutz (1), McIntyre (2), McKinley (1), McKinney (1), McNamara (3), McSweeney (2), Merrell (1), Meyers (4), Micelli (2), Michaelis (1), Miller (1), Milotte (1), Mitchell (2), Mock (4), Monroe (9), Moore (1), Morgan (1), MsKusick (1), Mulligan (1), Muncey (3), Murry (1), Myra (3)
- N - (4 Families, 13 Individuals)
Newhouse (8), Nicholas (1), Nutt (3), Nutter (1)
- O - (4 Families, 7 Individuals)
Ochiltree (1), O'Hagan (1), Ott (4), Owens (1)
- P - (24 Families, 120 Individuals)
Page (1), Palais (2), Palding (7), Park (1), Parker (1), Parks (1), Parson (1), Patton (2), Paul (1), Payne (1), Pearce (4), Pendergrast (4), Perron (5), Petty (2), Pfirsching (7), Phares (4), Pickrell (6), Pieters (1), Polina (1), Powell (1), Preston (1), Price (64), Pridmore (1), Pritchett_ (1)
- R - (26 Families, 61 Individuals)
Rader (5), Ramsey (1), Ranson (1), Ray (1), Raybuck (1), Reever (1), Reynolds (18), Rhoden (3), Rice (2), Richards (1), Richmond (1), Riddle_ (1), Ridgeway (3), Riggs (1), Riley (1), Risher (1), Ritchie (4), Roberts (1), Robertson (1), Robich (3), Robinson (2), Rogers (1), Rollins (1), Roush (1), Rupp (4), Rushing (1)
- S - (34 Families, 105 Individuals)
Salter (1), Sanders (4), Sapp (3), Schaltenbrand (1), Seamon (1), Sellars (1), Shaad (1), Sharkey (3), Sheppard (9), Sherlock (16), Sherman (1), Simmons (1), Simon (1), Simons (1), Sims (14), Sinks (1), Slater (1), Smith (19), Snyder (2), Snyderken (2), Spencer (1), Squires (2), Stahlman (1), Stanley (1), Starcher (4), States (1), Stevens (1), Stevenson (1), Stewart (1), Stewart_ (1), Stine (1), Stitt (5), Sutch (1), Sykes (1)
- T - (16 Families, 35 Individuals)
Tanner (1), Taylor (4), Tennant (10), Tennyson (1), Teter (1), Thatcher (1), Thompson (2), Thomson (1), Thorn (5), Tiller (1), Tinelli (2), Traub (2), Trice (1), Trippett (1), Tuel (1), Tuell (1)
- U - (2 Families, 3 Individuals)
UNK (1), Utesch (2)
- V - (5 Families, 7 Individuals)
VanDegrift (1), Vaughn (1), Vincent (1), Vislay (2), Voorhees (2)
- W - (23 Families, 154 Individuals)
Walker (3), Wall (1), Washlick (5), Weaver (1), Webb (5), Weekley (1), Welch (1), White (2), Whited (1), Whitford (1), Wiles (1), Wiley (1), Wilhelm (2), Wilkins (6), Wilson (4), Wirtz (3), Wohleber (1), Woodley (2), Woods (1), Woodyard (4), Woram (7), Wright (4), Wyatt (97)
- Y - (1 Family, 2 Individuals)
Young (2)
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