{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue0;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Dupra Family Tree Log written by Ronald Edward Dupra Jr.\par The reason for this log is to document events/names that are known to me through first hand experiences and to be used as a source for the family tree that I have created. All names listed will also include their ID number as it relates on the family tree.\par \par \tab 1. Ronald Edward Dupra Jr., was born in San Bernardino, California; Nov. 26, 1987. He married Dec. 23, 2010, Nicole Varquez Bernaldez\super 2\nosupersub , who was born Oct. 17, 1988. Ronald and Nicole were married at the San Diego City Court House privately with a select few people in attendance including close family and friend; Their public wedding was on Jan. \highlight1 29\highlight0 , 2012 in Fullerton, California at a church upon the request of Nicole and her parents. . Residence at time child was born: 1433 Lynwood Street, #27, San Bernardino, California, 92404. He weighed 9lbs 7.5oz, Length: 22"; Blood Type: A pos. He has blonde hair and blue eyes; His top height was 6 feet. As a child had serious Asthma problems that resulting in hospital visits upon multiple occasions.\par He was baptised as a child, his family being Catholic at the time, Godparents were Robert Dupra Sr and Tina Arno; He then assumed the religion of Jehovah Witness and went with his family to practice that religion after his uncle Nelson Dupra brought a lot of the family to it; He was never fully into practicing either religion as he was always skeptical and once he was a teenager he started to identify as an Atheist. He joined the U.S Navy on May 16, 2006 as a Fire Controlman; He achieved the rank of Petty Officer First Class, Paygrade: E6; His NEC's include the AN/SPS-48E Radar and Ships Self Desfense System, SSDS Advance Operator, CEC USG-2, CEC USG-2A. Also maintained the Rolling Airframe Missile System. \par Ronald bought a home at 438 Auburn Oaks Road East, Jacksonville, Florida on Dec. 30, 2013; Home was built brand new and ready on that date for move in. They moved out in June 2016 to their new duty station in San Diego and sold the home.\par \tab 2. Nicole Varquez Bernaldez, was born in Anaheim, California; Oct. 17, 1988. Her name was changed at marriage to Nicole Bernaldez Dupra. \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Children of Ronald and Nicole:\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tab 3. Kailani Savannah Bernaldez Dupra, was born in the Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida; March 28, 2014. She was delivered via C-Section after a pregnancy length of 272 days. She was baptised at the request of her Catholic Grandparents, Elvira Bernaldez and William Bernaldez.\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Pets of Ronald and Nicole:\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tab x. Spock; Breed: Yorkshire Terrier / Pomeranian. Was neutered as a puppy.\par \par \tab 4. Ronald Edward Dupra Sr., was born in Glen Avon, California; Oct. 6, 1970. He married June 9, 1990, Tammy Sue Yanchik\super 5\nosupersub , who was born Jan. 8, 1970. Ronald and her divorced in Riverside, California; Upon her request.\par \tab 5. Tammy Sue Yanchik, was born in _____, _____; Jan. 8, 1970. Her name was changed at marriage to Tammy Sue Dupra. She married second Donald Jennings; She changed her name at marriage to Tammy Sue Jennings and divorced Donald Jennings; She remarried a third time to Donald Jennings and divorced Donald Jennings; She remarried a fourth time to Donald Jennings and became a widow when he died.\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Children of Ronald and Tammy:\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 1. Ronald Edward Dupra Jr., born Nov. 26, 1987; married Nicole Bernaldez\super 2\nosupersub .\par \tab 6. Kayla Renee Dupra, was born in Malone, New York; Dec. 14, 1989. She married Tyrone James Flowers, born Aug. 29, 1991 in Riverside, California. Pregnancy length 283 days. She changed her name at marriage to Kayla Renee Flowers.\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Children of Kayla and Tyrone:\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 x. Alison Ann Marie Flowers, born in Parkview Community Hospital, Riverside, California; Jan. 29, 2012.\par \par \tab x. William O'Keefe Bernaldez. He married Elvira Espiritu Varquez.\par \tab x. Elvira Espiritu Varquez. Her name was changed at marriage to Elvira Varquez Bernaldez.\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Children of William and Elvira:\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 x. Joshua Bernaldez\par x. Erik Bernaldez\par 2. Nicole Varquez Bernaldez\par \par \tab x. Norman Joseph Dupra. He married SallyAnn Marie Sancomb. According to my grandfather Norman who goes by Joe, the Dupra name is actually an adopted last name, the story goes as follows: Fred Dupra was left on the doorstep of the Dupra house who upon discovery brought him in and raised him, he was given the last name of Dupra. This is the story I was told throughout my time growing up as well as other family members, it seems that my grandpa and his siblings knew of this story to be true. There is also a different version of the story that I heard more recently from Jack Allen Sr that indicates a similiar but different story, that a woman was pregnant with a child and the father of the child left, the woman who was Mohawk Indian met and had the baby with another man who carried the last name of Dupra, so when the baby was born he was given the name Fred Dupra.\par \tab x. SallyAnn Marie Sancomb. She died in Riverside, California due to cancer; June 3, 2000 from Cancer.\par \par \tab x. Cheryl Ann Carlson. Ronald Edward Dupra Jr. is not entirely sure if Cheryl Ann Carlson's mother is actually Doris based on what Cheryl has stated, based on Doris speaking to Robert Norton about how Doris took Cheryl when she was a baby; Thereby making her adopted vice biological child.\par \par \par }