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Family Subtree Diagram : losse namen

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Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Marriage (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) (two children) (five children) (two children) (three children) Marriage (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) (four children) (a child) (two children) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Marriage (two children) (two children) (three children) (a child) Marriage (eight children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (four children) (two children) (three children) (two children) (four children) (a child) (a child) Marriage (two children) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (four children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1908 - 1933 Hubert 24 24 1919 - 1969 Bertha 50 50 August Wouters 1910 - 1945 Louis 34 34 Jozef Put 1878 Franciscus 1891 Elisabeth Verbelen 1850 Josephus 1858 Maria Justina Verbelen 1953 Marcel Peeters nn Gaethofs 1946 - 1977 Frans 31 31 Gerda Smets Sonja Gaethofs Ivan Marcel Wolfs August Gaethofs Godelieve Vrancken Carolus Antonius Gaethoffs W Marie Gaethoffs Jan Frans Gaethofs Catharina Eliza Van der Heijden 1877 Remigius Gaethofs 1881 Maria Gedula Reijns 1708 - 1758 Antonius Gaethoffs 50 50 Isabella Clara Gaethooffs 1880 - 1971 Victor Gaethoffs 91 91 Joanna Melania Henderickx Yvonne Gaethofs 1927 - 1984 Frederic Van winge 57 57 1924 - 2003 Marcel Gaethofs 78 78 Anna Wouters 1912 - 1979 Joseph Broux 67 67 1919 - 1985 Melanie Gaethofs 65 65 Jozef Gaethofs 1905 - 1977 Maria Josephina Philips 71 71 1935 - 1988 Elza Gaethofs 52 52 Andre Theunis 1740 - 1763 Anna Margarita Gaethofs 23 23 1714 Andreas Gathofs 1878 - 1946 Leonard Gaethofs 68 68 Theresia Henckens 1944 - 1980 Jaak Gaethofs 35 35 Linda Perceval 1899 - 1973 Jozef Lodewijk Gaethofs 74 74 Melanie Dielkens Leonard Gaethofs 1879 - 1947 Maria Theresia Vangeel 68 68 1912 - 1980 Rosalie Gaethofs 68 68 Leonard Vanzonhoven 1896 - 1947 Ludovica Gaethofs 50 50 1893 - 1980 Jozef Vanherle 86 86 1946 - 1951 Margaretha Gaethofs 5 5 Louis Gaeyhofs 1876 - 1948 Jozef Leeten 72 72 Constance Gaethofs Louis Gaethofs Marie Josée Schreurs Johan Gaethofs Annemie Gaethofs 1907 - 1976 Petrus Joannes Vanbuel 68 68 1913 - 2003 Maria Gaethofs 90 90 1929 - 2003 Rik Gaethofs 74 74 Agnes Janssen 1926 - 2003 Henri Gaethofs 76 76 1923 - 2002 José Gaethofs 78 78 Robert Gaethofs Christiane Geens Jan Gaethofs Maria Mechtilde Vanderstraeten 1801 Joannes Franciscus Gaethofs 1930 - 2001 Jean Corthouts 70 70 1938 - 2003 Bertha Gaethofs 65 65 1916 - 1993 Stefanie Gaethofs 77 77 Jozef Bogaerts 1921 - 2001 Thoke Gaethofs 79 79 Dewit 1913 - 2001 Victorine Gaethofs 87 87 1913 - 1979 Gustaaf Lissens 66 66 1946 - 2004 Robert Gaethofs 57 57 1904 - 1977 Maria Catharina Gaethofs 72 72 Hendrik Machiels 1820 - 1888 Karolus Gaethofs 67 67 Pastoor Josephine Gaethofs 1919 - 1984 Pieter Edmond Degrande 65 65 1943 - 1994 Robert Gaethofs 51 51 Annie Vanlommel D. 1916 Maria Theresia Gaethofs Bernardus Raeyen 1877 Maria Nathalie Raeyen 1875 Joannes Martinus Meynen 1898 - 1941 Alfons Schreurs 42 42 1905 - 2002 Maria Elisabeth Awouters 97 97 1839 - 1903 Eduardus Reijns 63 63 1841 - 1905 Constantia Bolssens 63 63 1868 - 1892 Reine Gaethofs 24 24 1862 Peter Jan Hoogmartens 1887 Marie Elisa Hoogmartens Annette Machiels Fina Machiels Jean Pierre Dondeyne René Gaethofs nn Claus Jos Gaethofs Willy Gaethofs Martine Gaethofs Marianne Gaethofs Antoon Karel Gaethofs Maria Philippina Willik Isabella Clara Gaethofs Jan Baptiste Henderickx Johannes Ludovicus Gaethofs Marcelline José Bammens Roger ALfons Victor Gaethofs Lutgarde Josephina Eduarda Marie Corthouts Sylvia Gaethofs Sarina Gaethofs 1896 - 1977 Clementina Mertens 80 80 Henri Gaethofs Henriette Stecker Anne Marie Henriette Gaethofs Adelin Vandebeek Marie-Pierre Jacqueline Léopoldine Vandebeek Didier Dominique Nadine Fortemaison Jonas Fortemaison Antonius Van Gaethoven Anna Bex Eric Van Gaethoven Elisabeth de GRADY de HORION Bastien Van Gaethoven Thomas Van Gaethoven Egidius Gaethof Joanna Ramaut 1666 Pahieus Gaethof 1667 Jan Gaethof Jozef Willem Gaethoffs Victor Gaethofs Francis Gaethofs Aimé Gaethofs 1953 Joel Gaethofs 1981 Mario Gaethofs 1874 - 1958 Petrus Josephus Raeyen 84 84 1874 - 1937 Maria Florentina Wellens 63 63 Bernardus Franciscus Raeyen Petrus Josephus Raeyen Fernandus Ludovicus Raeyen Albertus Franciscus Raeyen Maria Theresia Raeyen Maria Clementina Raeyen Maria Angelina Raeyen Maria Johanna Raeyen 1926 - 1996 Jan Gaethofs 69 69 Julianus Felix Cools Marguerite Gerarda Gaethofs 1905 - 1985 Ferdinand Cools 80 80 1898 - 1984 Amelie Lebon 85 85 1804 Catharina Jacqueline Jeanne Gaethofs Project      Bijstand aan personen. 1805-1855. Provincie Antwerpen
Type akte     Dossier
Gemeente     Diest
Inhoudsomschrijving     Opname in de kraaminrichting van Sint-Elisabethgasthuis te Antwerpen op 17.08.1830. Betwisting betreffende verpleegkosten.
Aktedatum     01-01-1831 (1831)
Opmerkingen     Met een verslag.
Vindplaats: Archief Provincie Antwerpen, H 118 A-32.
1847 Joannes Franciscus Gaethofs 1917 - 1984 Jean Lekens 67 67 Marguerite Gaethofs Charles Joseph Trolin
Marie Virginie Gaethofs
1884 Cornell Gaethofs date of arrival : 18 Jul 1905  New York
from Antwerp
21 jaar
1878 Maria Lucia Gaethofs 1873 Franciscus Vangelder Maria Livina Gaethofs Josephus Vangelder Cornelia Das 1928 Georges Gaethofs Arrival Date:      10 Oct 1954
Age:     26
Birth Date:     28 Jul 1928
Gender:     Male
Ship Name:     Alca
Port of Arrival:     Brownsville, Texas, USA
Port of Departure:     Walton
25 Nov 1956
Ship Name:     Purfina
Port of Arrival:     Brownsville, Texas, USA
Port of Departure:     Curacoa, Dutch West Indies
Antoen Gaethofs De leningsovereenkomst van Aerdt  Frericx met Maria  Willems, geacteerd te Heusden op 8 februari 1640, verwijst naar Antoen Gaethofs en Aert  Van Heijden als betrokken partij. 1929 - 2010 Jules Gaethofs 81 81 D. 2006 Adrienne Coenen Mia Gaethofs Louis Vanoppen 1916 - 1987 Alfons Gaethofs 71 71 Bertha Meynckens Pierre Louis Gaethofs Marie Philomene Spronck 1898 Anna Spronck 1936 - 2010 Frida Gaethofs 74 74 D. 2002 Marcel Aerts 1942 - 2011 Maria Gaethofs 69 69 1956 - 1989 Boni 33 33 Monique Witters 1841 Joseph Gaethofs 1799 Maria Gaethofs 1842 Pieter Alexander Peeters D. 1788 Wilhelmus Peeters Helena Gaethofs 1842 Pieter Joseph Gaethofs Maria Veronica Gaethofs Felix Sas 1864 Maria Philomena Sas 1861 Jan Francis Cuypers Arnoldis Gathoffs Alvivis Schoppen 1712 Petrus Gathoffs 1667 Bartholomeus Gathoffs Joannis Gaethofs D. 1703 Maria Volders 1738 - 1738 Arnoldus Gaethofs 14d 14d Andreas Gaethofs Agnes Jans 1739 Joannes Gaethofs D. 1575 Bartolomeus Gathoffs D. 1574 Rene Gaethofs 1662 Cornelius Gaethofs 1665 Joannes Gaetholfs 1913 - 1975 Pol Gaethofs 62 62 1925 - 2012 Mathilde Gaethofs 87 87 1860 Maria Juliana Sas 1867 Josephus Sas 1871 Franciscus Sas Maria Uulalia Gaethofs Augustinus Vandingenen 28j in 1876  1848 1876 - 1877 Josephus Vandingenen 2m 2m 1877 Ludovicus Vandingenen 1880 Maria Cornelia Vandingenen Livina Gaethofs 1881 Constantia Gaethofs 6/3/18xx Maria Clementina Vandingenen Joseph Cuypers Maria Regina Nuyts Liliane M Gaethofs John G Musgrove 1895 - 1918 Pierre Alexandre Gaethofs 23 23 1763 Henri Gaethofs 1775 Marie Agnes Raymakers 1815 Jean Michel Gaethofs Petrus joannes Gaethofs 32j in 1899 Maria Virgenie Gilis Maria Gaethofs Abraham Leeckens Gerardus Put Margarita Gaethofs Petrus Schuppen Elizabeth Gaethoff D. 1709 Elizabeth Gaethoffs Sebastianus Van Dinant Antonius Gaethoffs Elisabeth Heuskens D. 1706 Dimpna Gaethoffs Michael Langenacker Antony Gaethofs D. 1753 Elisabetha Huyskens D. 1704 Maria Gaethofs Abraham Lekens D. 1741 Petrus Gaethofs D. 1660 Joanna Vilters Silvester Gaethofs D. 1671 Maria Gaethofs Georgius Windils D. 1680 Cornelius Gaethofs D. 1684 Joannes Gaethofs Petrus Gaethofs D. 1680 Elizabeth Limkens D. 1696 Maria Gaethofs D. 1673 Petrus Gaethofs D. 1737 Margareta Gaethofs Gerardus Put Jean Gaethoffs Gertrude Voys 1681 Gilles Gaethoffs 1684 - 1684 Elizabeth Gaethoffs Catherine Gatoffs Pierre Joustens Jean Nicolai D. 1632 Marie Gaethoffs Hubert Daniels D. 1744 Marie Gaethofs Augustinus Gaethofs 36J in 1898 Bibiana Peters 1898 Philomena Gaethofs 1870 Philomina Gaethofs 1863 Augustinus Claes Pieter Hendrik Gaethofs Ludovica Vander Graesen Josephus Claes Franciska Liberloo 1874 Maria Matilia Blanca Gaethofs 1875 Augustinus Engelen Petrus Franciscus Engelen Rosalia Vandezande D. 1820 Franciska Gaethofs Hendrik Vandergraesen Marcus Antoon Gaethofs Anna Maghiels Maria Francisca Joanna Gaethofs V   Gaethofs
Geboren - Lier,an,BEL

Huwelijken en kinderen
Gehuwd met Joannes Bal en hun kinderen
V Maria Carolina Bal 1787-
M Josephus Bal 1789-
V Theresia Josepha Bal 1790-
M Ludovicus Carolus Bal 1790-
Joannes Bal 1789 Josephus Bal 1792 Theresia Leonora Robertina Gaethofs V   Gaethofs
Geboren - Lier,an,BEL

Huwelijken en kinderen
Gehuwd met Guilielmus van der Linden en hun kinderen
M Petrus Jacobus van der Linden 1792-
Guilielmus Van der Linden Hendrik Alfons Vanbuel Louis Vanbuel Gustaaf Vanbuel Edouard Vanbuel Jean Vanbuel Louis Raeyen Maria Gaethoffs Petrus Vaeliten Bartolomeus Gaethoffs Maria Hemelers Wouter Jans Gaathofs Marie D. 1743 Maria Gaethofs D. 1746 Petrus Gaethoffs D. 1748 Martinus Gaethofs 1614 Renier Gaethoefs Hubert Gaethoefs Joseph Charles Gaethofs Thérèse Beatrix Boeckx Jean Gaethofs Catherine Smets 1665 Catherine Gaethofs 1870 Hélène Gaethofs 1900 Joseph Louis Gaethofs D. 1627 Jean Gaethofs 1933 - 2016 André Gaethofs 82 82 1915 - 1990 Laure Pironet 75 75 Augustinus Gaethofs Maria Dimphna Torremans Leonardus Gaethofs Maria Theresia Vervoort Adrianus Torremans Elisabeth Maria Gering
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