- 2 - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
2nd_Earl_of_Carrick (1), 2nd_Lord_of_Bamburgh_ (1)
- 4 - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
4th_Lord_of_Bamburgh (1)
- 5 - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
5th_Lord_of_Bamburgh (1)
- A - (64 Families, 441 Individuals)
Abbott (1), Abernathy (1), Abernethy (3), Abrahams (1), Adams (180), Adolphus (2), (Aecgfrida_or_Ecgfrida_of_Chester) (1), Aeissen (5), Aiken (1), Aitchison (15), Aitchison_ (2), Aitken (1), Aitkin (1), Aiton (2), Akers (1), Alan (1), Alburn (1), Alcock-Beck (1), Alder (1), Aldersey (1), Alexander (28), Alken (2), Allan (2), Allen (5), Allingam (1), Alston (1), Ambrose (17), Amend (1), Amor (4), Ancell (1), Anderne (1), Andersen (1), Anderson (27), Anderton (1), Annandale (7), Ap_Gruffud (1), Ap_Gruffydd (1), Apparisiis (1), Arbuthnott (44), Arbuthnott_ (8), Arelett (10), Arenz (5), Armour (14), Armstrong (1), Arneil (3), Arnot (1), Arscott_ (1), Ashby (6), Asher (2), Ashman (1), Askew (1), Asseltine (1), Aston (1), 'Atheling' (1), Atheling (1), Atheyn (1), Atholl (1), Atkinson (6), Atwood (1), Auchinleck (1), Augustus_Capet (1), Austin (3), Axford (1), Ayelts (1)
- B - (209 Families, 1204 Individuals)
Bacon (1), Badenoch (1), Baillie (1), Bain (1), Baird (1), Baker (2), Balderstone (4), Baldwin (8), Balfour (1), Ball (1), Ballamine (1), Ballanie (1), Ballemie (1), Balleny (2), Balmer (21), Balvaird (2), Bamber (4), Banks (1), Bannerman (1), Barber (6), Barbour (22), Barclay (57), Bardfelde (2), Barkley (1), Barlow (13), Barnard (1), Barnes (1), Barns (1), baronesse_Gyldenkrone (1), baron_Gyldenkrone (1), Baron_Gyldenkrone (1), Barr (1), Barrett (3), Barrowman (31), Barry (2), Bartels (2), Bartelt (8), Barton (3), Basket (1), Bath (3), Bathe (2), Batson (8), Batt (5), Bauer (1), Baxter (8), Bayley (1), Bayly (2), Bazely (1), Beadle (9), Beans (1), Beath (222), Beaton (2), Beattie (1), Beatty (1), Beauclerc (1), Beaufort (1), Beaufort_-_1st_Earl_of_Somerset (1), Beavan (1), Beaven (8), Becker (5), Becker__? (1), Bee (2), Beer (1), Beesley (2), Beetson (3), Beevor (1), Beggs (1), Belfrage (1), Bell (3), Bence-Trow (1), Bennet (2), Bennett (4), Benson (1), Bentham (4), Bentinck (4), Berends (1), Bernard (7), Bernhoft (1), Berrington (1), Berry (4), Bestel (1), Bestil (1), Bestwig (1), Bethune (1), Betts (2), Beverage (1), Beveridge (65), Biberstein (1), Bickman (1), Bieth (1), Bignall (4), Billings (1), Bindon (1), Biornsson_'Digera' (1), Bisdee (78), Bisdee___ (1), Bisdee_ (1), Bishop (14), Bishop_of_Durham (1), Blachford (3), Black_ (2), Black (7), Blackburn (7), Blacker (6), Blackett (25), Blair (6), Blaker (1), Blakey (1), Bland (1), Blewitt (1), Blickslager (1), Blood_ (1), Blood (1), Blunt (1), Blyth (5), Blythe (1), Body (1), Boelsen (13), Bohemia (5), Bolenius (1), Bond (1), Bone (1), Bonner (1), Bonthron (1), Boomgaren (1), Boord (1), Booth (4), Boreham (6), Borrel (1), Borrowman (20), Borthwick (24), Bottomley_ (1), Bouer (1), Bound (1), Bousie (1), Bowden (60), Bowdler (2), Bowen (2), Bowie (3), Bowman (2), Box (3), Boyce (2), Boyd (3), Brace (1), Bradburn (15), Braddock (1), Bradley (2), Bradshaw_ (1), Bragg (2), Braid (2), Brailsford (1), Bramley (2), Brandis (1), Brandon (1), Brannan (2), Breadalbane (1), Brereton (4), Bridge (2), Briggs (2), Bright (4), Brimblecombe (1), Briot (2), Brister (5), Brittany (1), Brittingham (1), Britton (1), Broadbent (2), Broadfoot (2), Broadwood (1), Brodie (1), Bromley (13), Bromley__ (1), Brondley (1), Brons (1), Brooke (1), Brooks (2), Broughton_Young_ (1), Broun (1), Brown (59), Browne (1), Browning (8), Bruce (10), Bruce_De_Brus (1), Brunette (1), Brunn_de_Neergard (5), Brunnock_ (1), Brunton (3), Bryan (1), Bryde (1), Buchan (1), Buckley (2), Budgett (1), Buglass (17), Bulmer (1), Burness (1), Burnett (1), Burn-Murdoch (5), Burns (1), Burroughs (1), Burston (1), Burton (1), Bush (1), Bussell (1), Butchart (9), Butcher (2), Butler (5), Butter (1), Butters (2), Buxton (26)
- C - (170 Families, 705 Individuals)
Cable (1), Cadle (4), Caffrey (1), Caines (1), Caithness (1), Caldwell (1), Calman (2), Cameron (6), Cameron_Smith (1), Camminga (1), Campbell (29), Campbell_ (1), Camplin (5), Capel (1), Capes (1), Capet (7), Capet_Duke_of_France_ (1), Capet_"The_Fat" (1), Capet_The_Pious (1), Capet_The_Younger (1), Caraman (2), Cardow (2), Care (4), Carnegie (11), Carpenter (8), Carr (3), Carre (1), Carrington (1), Carruthers (2), Carter (23), Cartwright (1), Caryll (4), Casey (1), Casson (2), Caswell (2), Cater (1), Cathcart (1), Caton (1), Catterall (1), Cave (9), Cavil (2), Cazalet (8), Cervantes (1), Chaffe (2), Chaffey (1), Challenger (5), Challis (10), Chalmers (1), Chambers (1), Chamond (2), Chancellor (87), Chandler (1), Chapman (2), Chappel (1), Charlton (2), Chaston (1), Cheetham (1), Chen (1), Chichele (1), Child (2), Children (1), Chinn (1), Chipman (1), Chipper (1), Cholmley (1), Christie (6), Christison (9), Chrystie (19), Church (1), Churchland (2), Cinead (1), Cissel (3), Clancy_ (1), Clappertoun (1), Clark (26), Clarke (26), Clarke_ (1), Clarkson (3), Cleary (1), Cleaveley (1), Cleeland (1), Cleghorn (2), Cleghorne (2), Clifford (3), Clifton (1), Clinch (1), Close (1), Cloterbook (1), Clotterbooke (2), Clutterbuck (7), Coates (10), Cochran (1), Cock (4), Cockburn (1), Cole (1), Coleman (1), Coles (1), Coller (1), Collier (3), Collinge (2), Collins (7), Collis (1), Collison (1), Colquhoun (1), Colvin (1), Commins (1), Comyn (1), Conger (1), Connell (1), Cook (4), Cookson (117), Cooper (8), Corbett (3), Corbett_ (1), Corby (2), Cork (4), Cormack (2), Cormy (3), Cornell (1), Corson (2), Coster (1), Cottle (2), Coulter (2), Countess (1), Countess_of_Carrick (1), Courtright (1), Cousins (2), Coussmaker (1), Couston (1), Coventry (2), Cowan (1), Cowley (1), Cowling (2), Cox (2), Crabbe (1), Craddock (1), Cradock (3), Cradock-Henry (1), Craghill (2), Crahill (1), Craigen (1), Craik (3), Cram (2), Cran (1), Crang (1), Craven (2), Crawcour (9), Crawford (7), Crawford_Souter (1), Cray (1), Cresser (1), Crichton (17), Crichton_ (4), Crickard (1), Cripps (1), Crisby (1), Cross (2), Crosse (2), Crow (1), Crozier (1), Cumming (1), Cummings (3), Cunningham (2), Currer (1), Currie (2), Curror (3), Curry (2), Cussen (8), Cuthbert (1), Cyrid (1)
- D - (175 Families, 738 Individuals)
Dagger (1), Dale (1), Dalgetty (8), Dalriada (1), Dalrymple (30), Dalrymple_ (2), Dalrymple-Murray-Kynynmound (1), Danson (3), Danzielstour (1), Dapifer (2), Darby (1), Dare (1), Dargie (2), Darwood (2), Dasachtach (1), Davenport (3), Davidson (10), Davies (25), Davis (9), Dawe_ (1), Dawe (2), Dawson (1), Day (1), De_Abernathy (2), Deakin (2), Deal_ (8), Deal (1), De_Aldithley (8), De_Angus (1), Dear (1), Deas (1), De_Baumvile (1), de_Bayeux (1), de_Blois (2), de_Bonkyl (1), Deboo (1), De_Boulogne (1), de_Boulogne (1), de_Bretagne (2), de_Bruce (1), de_Brus (6), de_Brusee (2), de_Brusse (1), de_Brus_Sigurdsson (1), De_Burgh (3), De_Burgh_of_Ulster (1), de_Burgo (1), de_Cheyne (1), de_Clare (1), de_Crepon (1), De_Demark (1), de_Derleveston (1), de_Dunbar (1), De_Durham (2), de_Ergadia (1), De_Falaise (2), de_Ferrers (1), de_Galbrathe (1), De_Galloway (1), de_Gatinais (1), De_Gaunt_of_Lancaster_and_Aquitaine (1), de_Hesdin (1), De_Hooton (1), de_Horton (2), de_Huntingdon (1), de_Keith (26), de_Knowsley (1), de_Lancaster (2), de_la_Trémoille (1), de_Lenorp (2), Del_Gammel (1), Delgaty (77), de_Limesi (1), de_Lindsay (11), de_Londoniis (1), de_Lumley (1), De_Mar (1), de_Merton (1), De_Meschines (1), de_Millom (1), de_Moravia (2), de_Mormaer_ (1), Dempsey (1), Dempster (1), de_Nassau (1), Denmark (1), Denning (3), Dennis (2), de_Normandy (1), Denyer (1), de_Paganell (1), de_Poitiers (2), de_Poitiers_"Towhead" (1), de_Ramsey (1), Derman (1), de_Rouergue (1), Derrick (11), de_Scarisbrick (1), de_Soulis (2), de_Stanleigh (1), De_Stanley (33), de_St._Clair (1), de_Stoneley (1), de_Strickland (1), de_Teyden (1), de_Thorne (1), Detrevaux (1), Dettmann (1), de_Venables (1), De_Vere (1), Dewar (2), de_Warenne (1), Dewer (1), Dewnell (1), Dick (2), Dickens (1), Dickins (91), Dickson (7), Digges (9), Dinsmore (2), Dionise (2), Dixon (5), Dobbie (1), Dobson (1), Dockree (11), Dod (1), Dodd (6), Dodridge (1), Doedens (1), Dolan (1), Donald (5), Donaldson (2), Dossetter (7), Dougall (1), Doughty (1), Douglas (33), _Douglas (1), Dow (5), Dowden (1), Dowker (1), Dowling (2), Down (8), Downey (1), Downie (17), Draycot (3), Draycott (1), Dredge (2), Dreesen (36), Drewer (3), Drummond (8), Drury (3), Dryburgh_ (1), Duckett (1), Duff (1), Duff-Gordon (1), Duffy (1), Duke (1), Dumbleton (8), Dumergue (1), Dunbar (10), Duncan (3), Duncansdatter (1), Dundas (3), Dunkeld (1), Dunkeld_'Caennmor' (1), Dunkeld_'the_Gracious' (1), Dunlop (5), Dunn (13), Dunne (2), Dunse (1), Durham (2), Durie (3), Dutton (1), Dyer (1), Dyne (1)
- E - (56 Families, 157 Individuals)
Eagle (2), Eakin (1), Ealdorman (2), Earl_of_Angus (1), Earl_of_Lennox (1), Earl_of_Norther_Mere_and_Raumsdale_ (1), Earl_of_Northumbria_and_Huntingdon (1), Eastabrook (2), Eastwood (1), Eaves (1), Eccles (1), Eckstein (1), Eddy (4), Edgar (3), Edge (1), Edmunds (1), Edsall (1), Edward (1), Edwards (4), Edwin (1), Edzards (1), Egerton (5), Eggleston (1), Einarsson (1), Elder (49), Eldridge (3), Elgiva (1), Elgiva/Aelfgufu_ (1), Elis (1), Eliza (1), Ellall (1), Elliot (1), Ellis (7), Ellison (1), Elphinstone (1), Elston (1), Elton_ (1), Ely (1), Enfield (1), England (1), English (2), Enrico (1), Eriksson (1), Erskine (8), Esser (1), Etherington (13), Eunson (1), Euvelstaetter (2), Evans (5), Eveleigh_ (2), Evenden (1), Ewens (1), Ewin (1), Ewing (1), Eymael (1), Eyre (5)
- F - (89 Families, 456 Individuals)
Fahey (1), Falbe (1), Falconer (137), Falconer_ (1), Fallon (1), Farell (1), Farrall (2), Farrar (3), Farrer (1), Farthing (17), Fauconer (1), Fawcett (2), Fearon (4), Ferguson (34), Fergusson (5), Fernie (1), Feyre (1), Filer (1), Finch (6), Finlay (1), Finn (6), Finney (1), Finnie (1), Finnigan_ (1), Fish (2), Fisher (1), Fitz_Alan (1), Fitz_Alan_le_Stewart (1), fitz_Flaald (1), Fitzgerald (1), Fitzhugh (1), FitzJohn (1), Fitzorm (1), Fitzsiward (1), Fitz_Walter (1), FitzWalter (1), Flanders (1), Flavelle (1), Flegg (1), Fleming (8), Flemming (7), Fletcher (3), Florence (1), Flynn (6), Fogge (1), Foggo (1), Fokken (1), Fokkens (1), Follett (2), Forbes (9), Forcht (1), Ford (13), Forde (1), Foreman (1), Forrest (3), Forshall (1), Forster (3), Forsyth (1), Fortescue (1), Fortescue_ (1), Fortune (8), Forward (23), Foster (6), Fotheringham (1), Fountain (1), Fowke (1), Fowler (13), Fox (3), Frampton (1), Frances (2), Francis (1), Frank (1), Franks (1), Franssen (3), Fraser (14), Fredrico (1), Freeman (2), French (27), Frend (1), Frericks (2), Frier (7), Frith (8), Frost (2), Froud (1), Fudell (1), Fullarton (1), Fuller (3), Fullerton (4), Fulton (5)
- G - (103 Families, 585 Individuals)
Gabb (1), Gabriel (1), Gage (2), Gaile (1), Galbreath (2), Gale (1), Gallacher (1), Gambrill (1), Garden (2), Gardiner (8), Gardner (8), Garfitt (3), Garrett (1), Garsia_ (1), Garsia (1), Gay (4), Geekie (10), Gentle (1), Gentles (1), Geoghegan (3), George (2), Gerard (1), Gerdes (1), Gerds (1), German (1), Gibb (9), Gibbins (2), Gifford (2), Gilchrist (2), Gill (1), Gillespie (9), Gillet (6), Gillett (4), Gilmore (1), Girdlestone (115), Glass (4), Gleadhill (1), Gleave (1), Glen (5), Glenbervie (1), Glenn (22), Gloster (1), Glover (1), Glumra (1), Goding (1), Goff (1), Goldby (3), Goldie (3), Goldie_ (1), Goldsberry (1), Goldthwaite (1), Golledge (7), Goodall (1), Goodhew (1), Goodsir (2), Goodwillie (38), Goodwin (1), Goodwin-Wilson (3), Goodyear (1), Gordon (17), Gordon_ (1), Gorges (1), Gothard (1), Gough (1), Gouldstone (1), Goushill (1), Gove (1), Gow (1), Gower (1), Gracie (2), Graeme (1), Graham (24), Grainger (1), Grant (13), Gratton (34), Gray (37), Green (25), Greene (1), Greenfield (2), Gregory (1), Greig (34), Gresley (2), Greville (3), Grey (4), Grieg (1), Griffith (2), Griffiths (1), Griggs (2), Grime (1), Grosvenor (1), Grundy (1), Gudge (2), Guest (1), Gulliford (1), Gummer (1), Gunnarsson (2), Gurrell (1), Gusek (1), Guthrie (2), Guy (1), Gwinn (1), Gwynn (30), Gwynne (11)
- H - (174 Families, 792 Individuals)
Haddow_ (1), Hadfield (1), Haig (1), Haime (2), Hakwins (1), Hale (1), Haley (2), Hall_ (15), Hall (15), Hallett (1), Hamilton (19), Hamlett (1), Hamlin_ (1), Hammond (2), Hancock (2), Handel (1), Hanley (1), Harald (1), Haraldsson (1), Hardie (5), Harding (2), Hardman (2), Hardy (3), Hardyman (27), Hare (9), Hargin (16), Hargrave (1), Harington (1), Harmens (2), Harms (1), HARMS (1), Harold (1), Harrington (6), Harris (7), Harrison (8), Harrop (1), Harrow (9), Hart (3), Hartley (6), Harvey (3), Hastings (1), Hastwell (16), Hastwell_ (1), Hatcher (1), Hatherall (1), Hatley (2), Hauser (1), Hauskett (1), Hawkins (14), Hawksket (1), Haxt (1), Hay (22), Haycraft (6), Haydock (1), Hayes (12), Hayman (1), Hayman_ (1), Hayter (1), Hayward (1), Haywood_ (1), Heath (3), Heath_ (1), Heaton (1), Hedger (1), Heighway (1), Heilwig (1), Heiress (1), Held (1), Hellier (1), Helme (1), Helmers (1), Hemmen (1), Hemmings (1), Henderson (3), Hendriks (1), Heneage (10), Henningham (1), Henry (11), Hepburn (2), Hepburne (1), Herbert (3), Herbert_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke (1), Herbert_2º_E._Pembroke (1), Herbstreit (2), Herd (6), Heriot (1), Herriot (1), Herron (8), Hesketh (1), Hewitt (13), Hewson (1), Hey (1), Heyen (1), Hibbs (1), Hickman (6), Higgins (2), High (1), Hignett (3), Hill (33), Hillard (1), Hillenius (1), Hill-Mitchelson (13), Hind (1), Hindle (2), Hindmarsh (1), Hinmers (1), Hinrichs (2), Hlodversson (1), Hobbs (1), Hobday_ (1), Hobson (1), Hodge (6), Hodgskinson (11), Hodgson (7), Hogg (2), Holand (1), Holbourne (1), Holbrook (1), Holland_-_Countess_of_Somerset (1), Hollande (1), Hollister (1), Holloway (1), Holly (2), Hollyman (3), Holmes (1), Holt (54), Home (7), Honey (1), Honeyman (1), Hooper (4), Hope (2), Hopkins (1), Hopton (1), Horn (14), Horne (1), Hornett (3), Horsfall (1), Hose (1), Hoskyns-Abrahall (1), Houghton (2), Houston (4), Houwerda (1), How (6), Howard (2), Howell (150), Howie (1), Hozier (1), Hughes (3), Hulbert (1), Hull (4), Hume (6), Humphrey (1), Humphries (1), Hunens (1), Huninga (7), Hunt (3), Huntar (1), Hunter (3), Huntington (1), Huntley (1), Hurd (5), Hurler (1), Hurlstone (11), Husband (1), Hushion (2), Hutcheon (1), Hutchins (1), Hutchinson (2), Hutchison (4), Hutton (1), Hyatt (4), Hyde (1), Hyland (1), Hyten (1)
- I - (17 Families, 164 Individuals)
Iarddur (1), Idels (2), Imrie (1), Ingle (10), Ingles (2), Inglis (63), Ingram (1), Ingwersen (1), Ion (2), Ireland (70), Ironside (2), 'Ironside' (1), Irvine (1), Irving (1), Isgar (3), IV (1), Ivory (2)
- J - (25 Families, 98 Individuals)
Jack (2), Jackson (5), James (3), Jameson (2), Jamieson (2), Jamison (1), Jane (1), Jannion (1), Janshen (2), Jarl_of_Upland_ (1), Jecks (1), Jeffcock (1), Jeffries (1), Jenkinson (2), Job (1), John_Moonan_ (1), Johns (1), Johnson (18), Johnston (6), Johnston_ (1), Johnstone (3), Johnstown (1), Jollie (5), Jones (35), Jordan (1)
- K - (50 Families, 240 Individuals)
Kalmen (4), Kamminga (1), Kearney (1), Keenan (1), Keetch (4), Keitch (2), Keith (83), Keith_ (2), Keith-Falconer (14), Kelly (23), Kemp (14), Kennaway (1), Kennedy (2), Kenney (1), Kent (3), Kenworthy (1), Kerr (4), Kettle (1), Kieth (1), Kieth-Falconer (1), Kilbourn (1), Kilgower (1), Kilgowr (3), Killick (1), Kilpatrick (1), King (13), Kingerlee_ (1), Kinghorn (15), King_of_Castile (1), King_of_Dalriada (2), King_of_England (2), King_of_Scots_Dalriada (1), King_of_Wessex (4), Kington (1), Kinnan_ (1), Kinnard (1), Kips (1), Kirk (3), Kjarvalssdatter (1), Kleiner (2), Knight (2), Knottner (1), Knottnerus (9), Knox (1), Knudsen (1), Kreinsen (1), Kroon (2), Kugel (1), Kulau (1), Kyrton (1)
- L - (121 Families, 502 Individuals)
Lacey (1), Lamb (1), Lambert (13), Lamont (33), Lamount (13), Lancocke (1), Landells (1), Lane (2), Lang (3), Langdon (2), Langeler (1), Langher (1), Langille (1), Langley_ (1), Langley (4), Langtree (1), Lansdown (3), Latham (1), Lathom (8), Lauder (4), Lauderdale (1), Lauson (1), Lavater (9), Lavery (1), Law (1), Lawless (1), Lawrance (1), Lawrence (36), Laws (1), Lawson (4), Leaviss (1), Lee (2), Leech (1), Leechman (1), Lees (9), le_Falconer (3), Leggoe_ (1), Legy (1), Leibswager (1), Leigh (1), Leishman (2), Lelean (1), Lemmer (1), Lemmon (1), Lenman (1), Lennox (1), Leopard (1), le_Roter (1), Leslie (5), Lesly (1), Lester (1), le_Stewart (2), Lestrange (1), Leverrier (1), Lewis (23), Lewry (1), Lies (1), Lile (3), Lillyman (2), Linacer (1), Lindissi (1), Lindquist (1), Lindsay (116), Lindsay_Drummond (1), Linton (2), Lipscombe (1), Lister (1), Litster (1), Little (3), Littlejohn (1), Liversedge (1), Living (2), Livingston (3), Lloyd (1), Lnu (1), Loates (1), Lochabar (1), Lochead (2), Lockert (1), Lockhart (5), Lockman_ (1), Lockyear (1), Lodge (2), Logan (5), Lomax (6), Long (1), Longley (5), 'Longsword' (1), Lonnsdale (1), Lonsdale (24), Looney (3), Lord_Malvern (1), Lorens (1), Lorimer (2), Lotkowski (2), Love (1), Lovell (1), Lovell-Smith (1), Lovely (1), Lovering_ (2), Lovering (3), Low (18), Lowndes (1), Lowrie (1), Lowther (1), Lowton (1), Loyd (1), Lucas (1), Luckraft (1), Luirts (1), Lukehurst (1), Lumsdale (1), Lumsden (1), Lundie (4), Lusk (2), Lusty (1), Luxmoore (1), Luyrdts (1), Lyell (1), Lyle (27), Lyon (2)
- M - (214 Families, 814 Individuals)
Maas (1), Mabey (2), Macalpin (4), MacDonald (22), Macdonald (2), Macdonald_Christie (1), MacEchach (1), MacEnery (1), MacEntfidich (1), Macfarlane (1), MacGorrie (1), Machattie (1), Mack (1), Mackay (4), Mackee (1), Mackenneth (1), Mackenneth_(Macalpin)_of_Alba (1), MacKenzie (3), Mackenzie (1), Mackie (13), Maclagman (1), Macrae (1), MacRory (1), Magnay (5), Mair (2), Maitland (5), Maitland_ (1), Malcolm (38), Malcolm_ (1), Male (1), Malloch_ (1), Maltby (6), Manley (3), Mann (1), Manning (1), Mann-Thomson (1), Mansel (1), Marazzani (4), Marin (7), Marjoribanks (1), Mark (2), Mark-Wardlaw (16), Marr (2), Marriage (1), Marriott (1), Marsden (1), Marshall (9), Marston (1), Martin (35), Martinez (2), Martyn (1), Mary (1), Mason (3), Massey (1), Master_of_Campbell (1), Master_of_Ruthven (1), Masterson (2), Mather (1), Matheson (1), Matthews (1), Matthias (1), Matthiessen (1), Maule (2), Maxwell (5), May (13), Mayle (1), Mcafee (1), McAleary (2), McArthur (3), McBean (1), McBride (5), McCarthey (1), McCarthy (1), McClachlan (1), McClellan (1), McClelland (3), McCleod (1), McClure (1), McColl (9), McComas (1), McConnell (14), McCormack (2), McCorquodale (1), McCraw (10), McDade (1), McDonald (22), McDonnell (1), McDougall (5), McGarriagle (1), McGarry (1), McGillivray (1), McGinn (4), McGlynn (3), McGregor (1), McHaffie (2), McIntosh (2), McIntyre (1), McKean (4), McKee (1), McKenna (1), McKenzie (5), McKinnon (1), McKnight (1), McLachlan (2), McLaluchlin (1), McLaren (7), McLauchlan (1), McLay (1), McLean (8), McLeavy (1), McLeish (3), McLennan (6), McMillan (5), McNab (7), McNaughton (2), McNeill (3), McPhail (1), McPhee (1), McPherson (3), McPhie (1), McQuin_ (2), McRobbie (1), McRostie (7), McRosty (4), Mead (11), Medcroft (1), Medlam (13), Meffert (2), Melhuish (1), Melkolf (1), Mellowes (69), Melville (16), Menendez (2), Menzies (3), Menzies_ (1), Mercer (1), Merry (1), Mertens (4), Messer (1), Meyer (3), Meynell (3), Michie (1), Michiels (1), Middleton (1), Miles (1), Mill (1), Millar (7), Miller (16), Millie (2), Millington (1), Mills (1), Milne (1), Milsom (2), Minter (1), Mitchell (11), Mitchell_ (1), Mitchelson (7), Mitton_ (1), Mizon (1), Mochry (1), Moehlmann (5), Moggridge (2), Moir (2), Mollendorf (2), Molloy (1), Moltke (1), Molyneux (15), Monaghan (1), Monck_Royse (2), Moncur (2), Monypenny (2), Moon (3), Mooney (2), Moore (15), Moorhead (1), Moray (2), More (9), Moreton (1), Morgan (4), Morley (1), Morrell (1), Morris (2), Morrish (1), Morrison (2), Morson (3), Mortini (1), Morton (10), Mosey (1), Mossman (2), Mostyn (2), Mowll (1), Moyes (1), Moynihan (1), Mucklejohn (1), Muir (25), Mullaney (1), Mullen (1), Mulliner (1), Mulller (1), Munos (1), Munton (1), Murdoch (1), Murdock (3), Mure (3), Mure_of_Rowallan (1), Murphy (1), Murray (13), Murrie (12), Murton (4), Musgrave_ (1), Musgrove (1), Mutch (1), Myles (14), Myrton (1)
- N - (49 Families, 197 Individuals)
Nagle (2), Nairn (1), Nairne (3), Naish (1), Nantkes (1), Napier (1), Napolitano (1), Nash (3), Nattrass (1), Naylor (2), Neades (1), Neal (1), Neave (1), Needle (68), Neelen (1), Neill (1), Neisbet (2), Nelson (7), Nesler (1), Ness (1), Nethery (1), Nettelmann (1), Neville (1), Newlands (7), Newman (3), nic_Brian (1), Nicholas (1), Nichols (1), Nicholson (43), Nicholson_ (1), Nicol (2), Nietsch (1), Nisbet (5), Nivison (3), Noble (3), Noel (1), Norman (1), Normington (7), Norris (1), Nortberg (1), Nortbergs (1), North (1), Northumbria (1), Norton (2), Norvell (1), Nuthall (3), Nuttall (1), Nuttall_ (1), N_Wills (1)
- O - (59 Families, 133 Individuals)
O'Brian (2), O'Brien (2), O_Cahan (1), O_Cathan (1), O'Connor (3), O'Donovan (1), of_Æðelbeorht_II (1), of_Angus (1), of_Aragon (1), of_Aumale (1), Of_Bamburgh (2), Of_Bernicia (3), of_Bernicia (1), Of_Bohemia (1), of_Castile (2), of_Dalriada (2), of_England (2), of_Flanders (1), _of_Hainault_ (1), of_Hainault (1), of_Holland (1), of_Huntingdon (1), of_Kiev (1), of_Kintyre (1), of_Normandy (1), of_Normandy_(The_Conqueror) (1), of_Paris (1), Of_Poland (1), of_Provence (2), of_Savoy (1), of_Saxe-Mercia (1), of_Scotland (2), of_Trondherm (1), of_Upland (1), Ogilvie (13), Ogilvy (11), Oglivie (3), Ogstoun (1), O'Hagan (2), O'Halloran (7), Ohlsson (1), Okken (1), Oldenburg (1), Oldewurtel (1), Oldham (1), Oliphant (1), Oliver (9), Ollis (2), Ommanney (1), Ord (1), O'Reilly (2), Orrock (5), Orton (3), Osborne (1), Ossenkop (1), Oucterlony (1), Ough (2), Overs (3), Owen (13)
- P - (112 Families, 354 Individuals)
Pae (4), Page (3), Pain (1), Pallett (1), Pannell (3), Parcus (1), Parfitt (1), Parfrey (1), Park (6), Park\Barbour (1), Parker (23), Parkinson (1), Parnaby (2), Parnell (1), Parr (5), Parr_/_Faugust (1), Parrish (1), Parry (1), Parsons (31), Paston (1), Paterson (4), Paton (4), Patone (1), Patricia_Ann (1), Patrick (1), Patterson (10), Pattersone (1), Paul (1), Paull (2), Payne (1), Peacock (3), Peacock_ (1), Peadie (1), Pearce (2), Pearman (2), Pearson (4), Peddie (1), Pedelty (1), Pegg (1), Pegler (1), Pekah (1), Pelan (1), Penman (1), Pennington (1), Pennycock (4), Pentony (3), Perriam (1), Pester (9), Peters (13), Peterson (1), Petty (1), Philip (1), Philips (1), Phillips (2), Phillpott (1), Phillpotts (1), Phipps (4), Pick (1), Pickford (1), Pierpoint (1), Pike (1), Pillai (1), Pinkie (1), Pipe (3), Pirie (2), Pitman (2), Pittman (6), Pitts (3), Plantagenet (9), Platt (1), Plenderleith (4), Plunkett (2), Pocock (1), Poland (1), Ponsonby (1), Ponton (1), Poole (1), Pope (2), Poptada (1), Porteous (7), Portland (1), Potter (1), Pottie (1), Povel (1), Powell (5), Power (1), Powley (1), Pratten (2), Prentice (3), Price (11), Primrose (1), Princess_of_Mercia (1), Princess_Royal_of_Picts (1), Pring (1), Prior (37), Probin (2), Pronk (1), Proudfoot (3), Proven (1), Puckstone (3), Pudsay (1), Purdie (4), Purnell (28), Purnell_ (1), Pursall (1), Purser (1), Putterill (2), Puttley (1), Puxton (2), Pyle (1), Pyne (2), Pytts (1)
- Q - (4 Families, 4 Individuals)
Queen_Of_England (1), Queen_of_England_ (1), Queen_Of_Scotland (1), Quinn (1)
- R - (96 Families, 504 Individuals)
Rabbow (1), Radcliffe (1), Radley (2), Rae (5), Ragnvaldsson (1), Rahilly (2), Rain (1), Rakowski (1), Raleigh_ (1), Raleigh (1), Ramage (1), Ramsay (1), Randall (1), Rantje (1), Raphael (2), Rasmussen (1), Rathven (1), Rathven_of_Freeland (1), Ratter (1), Rawson (5), Ray (9), Rayner (10), Raynes (1), Read (7), Redgrave (1), Redmond (26), Redpath (1), Redrup (1), Reed (1), Rees (3), Reeves (2), Reid (28), Reid_(Rosie) (9), Reilly (3), Reinders (1), Reints (1), Remington (1), Renny (1), Renton (95), Reynolds (1), Rich (1), Richards (7), Richardson_ (1), Richardson (4), Richey (1), Riddel (1), Riddell (1), Rider (1), Ridgers (12), Ridgeway (1), Rinnamail (1), Riordan (1), Ritchie (5), Rivers (1), Rixon (1), Roberton (1), Roberts (1), Robertson (27), Robeson (1), Robesone (1), Robinson (8), Robson (6), Rochead (1), Rodger (1), Rodgers (1), Rodil (1), Roffey (5), Rogers (4), Rognvaldsson (1), Rolfe (1), Rolle (2), Rose (19), Rosendahls (2), Roskell (4), Ross (64), Rossie (1), Rosthern (1), Rothwell (1), Row (1), Rowlett (1), Rowley (1), Roy (1), Rugge (1), Rumsay (2), Russal (2), Russel (1), Russell (27), Russell-Taylor (1), Rutherford (2), Ruthven (32), Ruthven_2nd_Earl_of_Gowrie (1), Ruthven_3rd_Earl_of_Gowrie (1), Ruthven_of_Ballindean (1), Ryall (1), Ryland (1), Ryley (1)
- S - (188 Families, 1025 Individuals)
Sainthill (1), Salisbury (1), Salmond (1), Salonianas (1), Salusbury (1), Sancta (1), Sanderson_ (1), Sargeant (1), Sassen (1), Sassen-Povel (1), Saulez (31), Saunders (14), Savage (2), Savile (1), Scarfe (2), Scaribrick (1), Schmiedin (1), Schnieder (1), Schofield (2), Scholes (1), Schonfeld (1), Schort (1), Schott (2), SchUller (1), Schuttle (1), Scot (1), Scott (16), Scott_ (1), Scroggie (1), Scrymgeour (2), Seager_ (1), Seale (12), Sebens__? (1), Sedding (1), Seddon_ (1), Seed (1), Seemann (2), Selbie (1), Sellers (1), Seneschal_de_Dol (1), Seton (16), Seymour (12), Shadrach (1), Shakeshaft (1), Shakshaft (2), Shand (1), Sharples (6), Shaw (3), Shepherd (2), Sheppard (7), Sheppard_ (1), Sherburne (1), Sherlock (1), Sheron (1), Sherritt (1), Shield (2), Shill (1), Shire (1), Shorthouse (2), Sibbald (2), Sichterman (1), Siddell (1), Sievwright (1), Siffons (1), Simmons (1), Simonds (1), Simpson (6), SIMPSON (2), Simson (1), Sinclair (48), Singleton (45), Singleton_ (3), Sinton (1), Sjammen (1), Skillater (6), Skilleter (2), Slade (22), Slavin (1), Slee_ (1), Slee (1), Sleight (1), Sligh (40), Smail (1), Smalley (1), Smart (2), Smethurst (1), Smiles (1), Smith (83), Smith_ (2), (Smith) (1), Sneddon (1), Snelling (2), Snodgrass (2), Soden (1), Somerville (2), Soper (2), Soreddon (1), Sorley (1), Sorlie (7), Souter (1), Southwell (1), Sparks (4), Spear (1), Spears (1), Speechley (2), Speed (1), Spence (2), Spencer (1), Spender (1), Spens (2), Spensley (4), Sperring (1), Spinks (1), Spraggon (5), Spragon (1), Staines (1), Stancombe (1), Stanfield (5), Stanley (264), (Stanley) (1), Stanley_Esq. (1), Stanley_of_Lathom (3), Staples (1), Stark (2), St.Clair (1), StClair (1), Steedman (1), Steenhoff (3), Steenson (2), Steers (2), Stefanov (1), Steinhof (1), Stenhouse_ (1), Stephens (33), Stephenson (2), Steven (8), Stevens (7), Stevenson (1), Stewart (86), Stewart_ (3), Stewin (1), St._Germain (1), Sticker (3), Stirling (4), Stirum (4), Stoddart (1), Stoker (2), Stone (6), Storer (1), Storey (1), Storrs (1), Story (1), Stowell (1), Strachan (1), Stradling (1), Strangways (1), Strathbogie (2), Stretchleigh (2), Stribling (1), Strong (1), Stroud (4), Stuart (2), Stubbs (1), Studds (1), Subregulus (1), Sudlam (1), Sully (2), Sumarlidasson (1), Sumner (1), Surgeoner (1), Surtees (2), Sutherland (2), Svendsdatter (1), Swaffield (3), Swan (1), Sweden_Denmark (1), Sweet (14), Sweetman (1), Swinbank (1), Swindells (1), Swynford (1), Sybelkens (1), Symington (1), Symms (1), Symontoun (1), Sympson (2), Symsone (1), Synton (1)
- T - (82 Families, 374 Individuals)
Tadman (1), Taillefer (1), Tait (95), Tangney (1), Tannahill (1), Tapley (1), Taplin (1), Tarleton (1), Taylor (21), Taylor_ (1), Teasdale (2), Teed (1), Telfer (1), Thal-Jantzen (1), the_Aged (1), The_Fearless (1), "The_Good" (1), "The_Magnificent" (1), 'the_Peaceful' (1), 'the_Saint' (1), Thirtle (3), Thom (4), Thoma (1), Thomas (9), Thompson (8), Thomson (54), Thomsone (1), Thomsoun (1), Thorburn (10), Thorburne (1), Thorfinnsson (1), Thorne (24), Thorne_ (8), Thorne_of_Thorne_ (1), Thornton (2), Thor'sson (1), Thrower (1), Thwaites (2), Tibble (1), Tiddinga (7), Tidman (1), Tilley (1), Times (6), Tindale (1), Tipper (1), Tizard (4), Tobin (5), Tod (5), Todd (2), Toll (1), Tolley (1), Toms (3), Tomson (1), Tönjes (1), Topping (1), Torf_Elnar (1), Tosh (1), Tough (3), Townsend (3), Townshend (3), Tracey (2), Treacher (15), Treharne (1), Trent (1), Trindall (1), Tritton (1), Trotman (1), Trotter (1), Troutbeck (1), Troward (1), Trudeau (2), Tryggvesdatter (1), Tudor (4), Tufton (1), Tulloch (1), Turberville (1), Turner (9), Tuxen (2), Tweedie (2), Tyler (2), Tyrell-Gill (1), Tysoe (3)
- U - (13 Families, 549 Individuals)
Ulfiusson_(Estridsen) (1), Ullthorp (1), Umrein (1), under-king_of_Bernicia (1), Underwood (1), Unknown (536), Unsworth (2), Upfield (1), Upward (1), Uridge (1), Urquhart_ (1), Urquhart (1), Ursewick (1)
- V - (24 Families, 33 Individuals)
Vagg (2), Valentine (1), Vallance (1), Vanalstine (1), van_den_Kerchhove (1), van_Iddekinge (1), vanLingen (3), Vann-Oss (1), Vaughan (1), Vaughan-Spruce (1), Vaux (1), Venables (1), Vezina (1), Viel (1), Viel_ (1), Villiers (7), Vingoe_ (1), Vivian (1), Von_Brunswick (1), von_der_Leyen (1), Von_Geldern (1), von_Geldern (1), Von_Kleve (1), von_Loga (1)
- W - (112 Families, 634 Individuals)
Wade (17), Wait (1), Wakefield (9), Waldemar (1), Walden (1), Waldrick (1), Waldricks (1), Waldrix (1), Waldron (2), Wales (1), Walfson (1), Walkden (2), Walker (14), Wall (2), Wallace (29), Waller (7), Wallman (1), Walls_ (1), Walsh (1), Walsham (8), Walsingham (1), _Walton (1), Warburton (2), Wardlaw (4), Ware (1), Warner (1), Warnock (2), Warren (22), Warrender_ (1), Warwick (1), Wass (1), Watkins (1), Watson (18), Watt (3), Watts (7), Wayn (1), Wear (1), Weaver (2), Webb (6), Webber (1), Webster (2), Wecker (1), Wedderburn (1), Weever (1), Weir (5), Weiss (1), Welch (6), Weller (1), Wells (14), Wellsteed (6), Wemyss (4), Weske (2), Wessels (1), West (2), Westerbeck (1), Westfield (1), Westland (1), Weston (1), Whaits_ (1), Whan (1), Whatley (1), Wheatcroft (2), Wheeler (10), Wheldon (3), Whitcombe (2), White (12), Whitehead (1), Whiteside (1), Whitfield (5), Whiting (7), Whitman (1), Whittaker (1), Whittington (1), Whyte (4), Wickenden (8), WIGGINS (2), Wiggs (6), Wigler (1), Wilby (1), Wilken (2), Wilkerson (5), Wilkie (1), Wilkinson (23), Willcox (1), Williams (19), _Williams (1), Williamson (2), Willoughby (12), Wills (3), Wilson (53), Wilsone (6), Winter (2), Winters (1), Wise (1), Wishart (136), Witherspoon (1), Witteridge (1), Wolfson (1), Wood (5), Woodcock (1), Woodeson (1), Woodford (6), Woodhams (1), Woods (28), Wootten (2), Worral (1), Worth (3), Wragg (1), Wright (10), Wrold (1), Wylie (1), Wyllie (2)
- Y - (9 Families, 37 Individuals)
Yates (1), Yearstoun (7), Yeoman (1), Yorstone (1), Yorstoun (1), Young (20), Young_ (1), Younger (4), Yourstoun (1)
- Z - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Ze_Stodor (1), Ziegler (1)
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