Kishinew (Kishinev, Chişinău), Bessarabia, Russia (now Moldova)
Kishinew (Kishinev, Chişinău), Bessarabia, Russia (now Moldova) is a city and its address is Kishinew (Kishinev, Chişinău), Bessarabia Russia (now Moldova) MD-20xx, located at latitude 47, longitude 28.916667.
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Place Notes
Chişinău (in the past also known as Kishinev, Russian: Kishinyov, lit. "New Spring"), is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova.
on the river Bîc, a tributary of the Dniester
According to one version, the name comes from the archaic Romanian word chişla (meaning "spring", "source of water") and nouă ("new"), because it was built around a small spring. Nowadays, the spring is located at the corner of Pushkin and Albişoara streets.