Royals, Rebels, Presidents, Paupers, Thinkers, and Thieves
ID: I64859
Name: Mateudo De Poher
Prefix: Comte
Given Name: Mateudo
Surname: De Poher
Sex: M
_UID: C53ABC3B05D2BB4BA3275ED9D528656EA4CE
Change Date: 19 Aug 2005
Birth: ABT 897 in Brittany
Death: 930
Father: Arnaud Comte De Poher b: ABT 867
Mother: Gemege De Razes b: ABT 879
Marriage 1 Havoire of Brittany b: 880
Alain II De Bretagne b: 917
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published on August 19th, 2005 <> The author/originator was David Meier.
- Source/Citation References (1)