Dreux, Eure-et-Loire, France
References (9)
1155 Individual:
Henry Dreux
(b. 1155 )
1156 Individual:
Alix de Dreux
(b. 1156 )
1158 Individual:
Philippe of Dreux
(b. 1158 )
1160 Individual:
Isabella of Dreux
(b. 1160 )
1161 Individual:
Peter of Dreux
(b. 1161 )
1163 Individual:
William of Dreux
(b. 1163 )
1164 Individual:
John Dreux
(b. 1164 )
1166 Individual:
Mamilie of Dreux
(b. 1166 )
1167 Individual:
Margaret of Dreux
(b. 1167 )