The ancestry of the Counts of Vercelli go back to the dark ages of the Dukes of Bavaria, and the Kings of Alamanni in the 4th and 5th centuries. Almost from the beginning of history as settlers in Vindilicia, we find the Bavarians under the leadership of the Ducal house of the Agilofings who were of Franco-Salian origin. However, the Bavarians themselves appear to have been a Suevic tribe who had wandered into the old Roman province then lying desolate and unoccupuied as a sort of no-man's land, and , they settled there on or about 420.AD.
From the beginning of their Danubian settlement they seem to have been subject to the Merovingian Kings, who were the kinsmen of the Agilolfings. It had been a peaceful arrangemnt as they did not have to pay tribute.
As their dukes were called Agilofings, the Aponym of their House, had to be called Agilulf. Howver, he has been llost to History, and we not in a postion to know as to when he lived. We therefore , shall start the pedigree of the Vassallo family with:- Hunno Velphio: , born ca: 385, not sure of the date of death. The Alamanni were the fiercest of all the western German tribles. It is stated that the Alamanni were offshoots of the Swabian, Branch of the west Germans, from which they were constituted.