JOAN, suo jure BARONESS COBHAM, granddaughter and heir, beingdaughter and heir of Sir John DE LA POLE, of Chrishall, Essexson of Sir William de la Pole, of Castle Ashby, by Joan,daughter of John, LORD COBHAM, which last named Joan (whomarried in 1362, cont. dated 21 Oct.) died v.p., about 1388.
At an early age she married, 1stly, before November 1380, SirRobert HEMENHALE, of Norfolk, who died September 1391, and wasburied in Westminster Abbey. She married, 2ndly, Sir ReynoldBRAYBROKE, [M.P. for Kent in 1404], who died s.p.m.s., atMiddleburg on the Scheldt, 20 September 1405, and was buried inCobham Church. Brass and M.I. She married, 3rdly, within a yearof his death, as 2nd wife, Sir Nicholas HAWBERK, who died(leaving by her a son, John, who died an infant) 9 October 1407,and was buried in Cobham Church. Brass and M.I. Within 3 monthsof his death she succeeded her grandfather. She married, 4thly,as 3rd wife, before 18 July 1408, Sir John OLDCASTELL, who(probably in consequence of this marriage, but without anydesignation which would prove such to have been the case) wassummoned to Parliament from 26 October 1409 to 22 March 1413/4,by writs directed Johanni Oldcastell Chlr, whereby he is held tohave become LORD OLDCASTELL. See fuller account under thattitle. He was hanged in St. Giles's Fields, 14 December 1417, asa heretic and a traitor. She married, 5thly, Sir John HARPEDEN,who survived her for 24 years, and died 1458, being buried inWestminster Abbey. Brass and M.I. there. She died s.p.m.s., 13January 1433/4, and was buried in Cobham Church. Brass and M.I.[Complete Peerage III:345, XIV:195, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]